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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Posing Cory.

    We need a green with jealousy smiley :-?
  2. A lot depends on what pH the fish are used to. In their natural habitat it is way over 8 but mine were bred by a breeder in the local water which was a p of 7 and the fish have never known any different. Mine are kept at 7 - 7.4pH and are happily breeding. Carbon is not needed in a filter.
  3. Google "Paludarium" and see what you get. Lots of ideas there.
  4. Make your own using stiff plastic stuff with holes in it that tapestry people use or make a simple frame and attach fine mesh to it.
  5. Caryl


    Silver dollars are vegetarian so unless the cardinals turn green they ought to be safe from them.
  6. My boy My girl Bristlenoses make caves in and under logs or in anything else they can find. They don't need much space, just enough for dad to be able to fan the eggs.
  7. I have never had harlequins nip anything.
  8. If possible boi I would be running the new filter on the old tank to cycle it that way, or use half the filter media in the old filter in the new one. I would also use half the water from the exisiting tank in the new one. Although there is not much of the good bacteria in the water itself, it will be the pH, temp etc the fish are used to. Once the fish are moved from the old tank, will it still have fish in it or will it be empty? If empty, just shift the whole filter unit to the new tank (if possible) and then it is already cycled.
  9. You would have to ask Raewyn (address above) and sign up the the FNZAS immediately.
  10. The males grow curved bristles along the top lip and a thin line of them up the middle of their heads. The females are wider, bigger, and have very short straight bristles along the top lip (if at all).
  11. It is excellent if you can keep it under control.
  12. Not any more Fishkeepa as I deleted the doubles
  13. Caryl


    Remember too turtles have very sharp beaks and can give a nasty bite. They also harbour salmonella so good hygiene is a must.
  14. So, who has entered? I know they do have some entries.
  15. Caryl


    Hello Brian (much better than saying hello moron) :lol: I too have a pond. It is about 10m x 3m I think (just new) and hope to stock it this summer. It has about 30 - 40 fry in it and I have 3 large goldfish in another pond waiting to go in once the water is warmer.
  16. Yours is different though Skippy as it appears to be totally blind whereas the axie is opaque in one eye. I know little (alright, I know nothing) about marines so can't help you.
  17. Do you have any sharp objects in his tank? It is possible he damaged it. If it isn't bothering him I wouldn't worry but do keep an eye out (no pun intended :lol: ) for secondary infections like fungus.
  18. Not at all. They are a lovely, peaceful fish.
  19. Caryl

    Tonic salt

    I found an excellent article on this subject on the PFK site and am adapting it for the Aquarium World They say the best salt for brackish tanks is the marine salt. Here is what they say about Tonic Salt: Tonic, or aquarium salt, is just plain old sodium chloride, often with a bit of anti-caking agent thrown in to make it easier to pour.
  20. They are merely a colour morph of the standard Ancistrus sp. Used to be really expensive when first produced but now, with numbers growing, the price is dropping.
  21. A well maintained and balanced aquarium should not have a major problem with algae once the tank has matured.
  22. Never heard of aggressive corys. They are very laid back dudes 8)
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