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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. We haven't heard from you for ages either Caper
  2. How old was it when you bought it though? Lack of colour and odd shape can be disease or old age. I have had neons last 8 years though so old age isn't likely in this case.
  3. If they are still alive and looking healthy since your first post I wouldn't worry anout it. They are obviously getting enough food.
  4. You do know there is an aquarium club in Dunedin too Nat? Ask at The Pet Warehouse
  5. May also be carp pox. Incurable and unsightly but doesn't harm the fish.
  6. They will be fine. No need for feeding blocks (which can foul the tank) or auto feeders (which may jam). The pond weed and duck weed will be good.
  7. Hard to tell on the chubby fish but comets are easy. Look down on them from above. Males are dead straight from nose to tail. Females tend to bulge slightly to one side so the tail looks like ot is a little offset. In breeding season the males will often get white spots just behind the gill plates.
  8. They are all just variations of the same fish Carassius auratus so will interbreed no problem at all.
  9. Don't use that pH Up or Down stuff! Better to do it naturally although I doubt your pH will be a problem at 7.2. Remember, just cos the books say a fish needs 6.8, doen't mean it won't be just as happy breeding at 7.2 in captivity as it may never have experienced 6.8 in it's life
  10. It really sounds like swim bladder.
  11. http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org/2007.cgi
  12. Have some who haven't posted for a while. Have they been flooded out? eg Fishman and Freakyfish. I see we still have Frenchy with us 8)
  13. There is a good reason that plant is banned. Have you seen how it takes over waterways???
  14. Did you have a sudden temp drop? That sometimes triggers it off (a cold night after several hot ones).
  15. Caryl

    Pond Liner?

    I think it is a heavy grade polythene liner?
  16. Was their brand of food changed? As also suggested, may be a bacterial problem.
  17. You can get stuff used to paint the inside of concrete water tanks.
  18. Moving her too much when she is pregnant may cause her to abort. It is always better to keep her in the main tank with lots of floating plants for her and the fry to hide in. Might be easier to separate the bully.
  19. The fancy goldfish are prone to swim bladder disease. Is it worse after feeding?
  20. A fish can have pinkish poo depending on its diet. She will drop fry every 4 - 6 weeks. When almost due she will be very fat and you may be able to see fry eyes as black dots through the belly. Add some floating plant to the net you have her in as she will eat her own fry as well. Feed them crushed flake.
  21. I have never had a problem with any sort of danios attacking anything
  22. It is just what you think. He is waiting to eat the fry as they are born and then attempt to be first to mate with the female (so, he's thick :roll: )
  23. Have fun, behave yourself (or don't get caught) and DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SMUGGLE ANY FISH BACK WITH YOU!! :lol:
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