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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hmm it appears to be in one of the cases I cited above... We used commercially available superglue (Loctite super glue gel)
  2. Superglue has been used in fish surgery "Superglue in Surgery Superglue has also proved to be a life-saver. During the Vietnam War soldiers were issued with tubes to seal stomach wounds in the battlefield. A redefined formulation is now used to seal post-operative wounds worldwide. It has also been used in veterinary care. A tortoise who cracked its shell after falling from a second floor window was successfully glued back together. Racing pigeons have had their feathers superglued, fish have had their fins re-attached and horses have had their split hooves bonded together. " Reefers superglue coral and polyps together and I found this reference too... "I have used superglue to good effect on fish. We used commercially available superglue (Loctite super glue gel) as an alternative to suturing an incision (25-30 mm long) made to implant acoustic tags in European eels (Anguilla anguilla)- following Baras & Jeandrain (1998). Not surprisingly, we found that the key to successful adhesion was to ensure that the surface was blotted as dry as possible. We recaptured one of the tagged eels ca. 3 months after release and the scar was only just visible. In fact if it had not have been pit-tagged we wouldn't have identified it as a acoustically-tagged fish (as the tag had died). There are cyanoacrylate glues available for surgical usage which are far more expensive than the regular superglue you can buy in the shops, but are less aggressive to the fish's tissues. '
  3. But what I am saying is an unheated tank is not necessarily a "cold" one. I have an unheated tank in my lounge that is sitting st 28C - room temperature.
  4. Define cold. In an average well insulated home they are probably fine. Not below 18C. They can live colder than that but it isn't ideal
  5. Help you? What? Get more tanks? :lol:
  6. Mine destroyed one plant but I can't remember if it was a sword. Looked similar.
  7. Well, when our patients die, they get carried away in boxes :lol:
  8. Did any of you get the noro virus or chicken pox? Hope you had a good time. Interestingly, having shown those pics to people overseas, the overwhelming comment has been - "Wow! All that beautiful green space and so few buildings!" They say it is nice to see such readily accessible nature areas without high rises and crowds everywhere.
  9. I am female too but do not want to squish spiders. I think the furry ones (like tarantulas) look cute!
  10. I found mine can damage some of the more tender leaves. Not deliberately though.
  11. Never heard of that! What sort of fish? Over what period of time did this happen? Just one fish or several? Any other symptoms?
  12. Yes, now is the time to do it. I would float them in a container to equalise temperature then slowly release them. You might find the pond is actually warmer than the tank! I know my pond was.
  13. Caryl

    Feeding time

    I have never bothered to feed the pond fish since it is a large pond with plenty of insect life and stuff for the fish to graze on. I feed them now and then as it gives me the opportunity to check the fish for disease or injuries as they come up to feed. Since the don't go berserk over the food on the rare occasion they are fed they are obviously not starving :lol:
  14. Caryl

    Feeding time

    Ummm, about 11 originally then added about 6 more from memory. That was a year ago.
  15. Caryl

    Feeding time

    30C and a lot of the fish were sunbathing so I thought I would feed them (I don't very often) I counted 40 fish the other day so they are obviously breeding 8)
  16. Why kill them? They are harmless and good in the garden aren't they?
  17. Haven't your fish got anything better to do??? :lol:
  18. It is quite possible he merely ate a bit more than he should, or a bigger piece than normal and it had trouble getting through the digestive system.
  19. You are also going to have further problems if you are right with your 113L guess of its size in your other thread. Do you any pics of the fish? Not sure about angel fish being pink! Also, the tank won't be big enough for the plec.
  20. Hi Ozzchick. Don't worry, the fish will actually like the brown colour
  21. Get your facts right first please slevin12. Back to our Aussie members, are they OK? There has been a lot of flooding in places.
  22. We had a great day on Sunday cruising the Marlborough Sounds on La Bella Vista. For those who want a look... http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v144/ ... ?start=all
  23. More for older people? What gave you that idea? last time I met the club they had a wide range of ages from about 8yrs up.
  24. They are planning to take over the world. That was their first meeting
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