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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. We were told they were German in origin and have been plagued with them for about 3 years now after an unsprayed container was opened :evil: Open the lid of the pond filter and they scuttle off in all directions. There are baby ones in there too so definitely a breeding colony!
  2. It certainly looks odd. Is it otherwise still behaving normally and eating well? If so, I would be inclined to leave it alone. Wonder if it has an abscessed tooth? It looks like there is swelling below the eye as well which would explain the popeye effect so I am inclined to think it has an infection of some kind :-? I'm afraid I know little about the various meds available so can't help with suggestions of what to use.
  3. Caryl


    Different people tend to use different lights depending on the effect they want and the type of fish they have.
  4. Caryl

    Pics of my tank

    Hard to believe that is just a 2ft tank. Nice job.
  5. and been made PET OF THE WEEK in one of our local freebie papers :bounce:
  6. Caryl


    It is the opposite in the USA. People buy pet drugs to treat humans cos they are cheaper :-? They would only prescribe a small number and they can't be used to make other drugs. In my case, the Dr knows me well, I doubt they would do it for strangers.
  7. Might as well since there are no other fish in the tank. You know to float the bags a while to equalise the temps don't you? Then slowly add tank water to the bags and mix the waters together?
  8. There is a disease called popeye (exophthalmia) cos that is one of the symptoms. A result of bacterial infection. A pic will help us try to work out whether this is the case or if it is injury. Do not go using meds in a tank until you know what the disease (if any) is.
  9. Hmm I wonder how many will be on show at conference this year?
  10. Hello again jim (we met on the other site ). Why has the tank only got 160L when it can take a lot more? Did you cancel the neon order?
  11. We want you Andrew, even if they don't I figured Stella meant you two. It will be good to see Peter at conference again as he hasn't been so involved the past few years. I hope to remember to add your membership cards to the Feb AW by the way. They have been sitting on my bench ready to go.
  12. NO. Queen's birthday is May 30th - June 2nd
  13. Caryl

    Hi eveyone.

    Hi curtur and welcome. What's with the winterless north bit? Last time we were up there they had frosts! :lol:
  14. Caryl

    My New Fish

    Aneurism sounds a lot nicer than Clot
  15. Something might have startled him and he whacked heavily into something, doing the damage you see. Pop eyes on their own suggests an internal infection but the other with it makes me lean more towards injury. Keep a close eye on the injured area for signs of secondary infection (ie fungus)
  16. Caryl

    Black Moores

    They could have eaten it in 4 days. I am not sure how fast goldfish eat others but tropicals can totally devour a body overnight! What size are they all?
  17. I am a fan of keeping the water quality as good as possible and not adding anything to the tank.
  18. Caryl

    Black Moores

    Was someone feeding them? Surely they could tell you how long it has been missing? Depending on when it died it could have been consumed. Jumped out of the tank (look for a mummified fish). It died and the people feeding them threw it out figuring you wouldn't notice it was missing.
  19. Is this a newly set up tank? Don't add any more fish until the tank has cycled. Do you know what this means?
  20. Caryl

    Import list.

    Try this http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/files/sp ... 364-ft.pdf
  21. Caryl

    Import list.

    Does your Google not work? Try here http://www.maf.govt.nz/mafnet/index.htm
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