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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. That looks like a fun place and I have never heard of it! :-?
  2. Caryl

    moving soon

    Tanks that small are simple to move, especially if you slide them onto a solid base board to lift and move them without straining the base of the tank. I would empty the water until there was just enough left for the fish to swim in, save the water in other containers, move the tanks, then put the water back. No catching fish required.
  3. I would ring an upholsterer's and ask them if they have any product they recommend.
  4. Caryl

    moving soon

    What size are the tanks? If they are small, leave a small amount of water in the bottom, along with the gravel and plants, and you won't have to catch the kuhlis at all
  5. Even yummier looking! :bounce:
  6. I too recommend a Honda Odyssey. We have one, as does my daughter. Great for hauling around extras and plenty of room for pushchairs etc.
  7. Forgot to say the train was 1.2m long and the reason she got a train was because she had one when she was 3 so I figured 30 meant a bigger one :lol:
  8. My daughter Kelly was 30 today. I made her a cake and took it to school. Here is Kelly with her class (she is the tall one at the back :lol: ) They all loved the train cake and it was quickly eaten! It took awhile to light the candles :roll:
  9. I had them growing and breeding in a container on the lounge floor. They were in there for about 12 months. I never fed them anything. The water was in full sun and grew green algae so I assume they ate that.
  10. Hi and welcome Manda 8)
  11. Why do you want to grow them? They are nutritious when newly hatched but not so much so after a few days.
  12. I don't mind if she wants to practise further. I have never had false nails. She could come over for a hliday break and do my nails while she visits 8)
  13. I'm not sure whether I should be worried about him or not. He is acting the same as normal and eating well (budgie seed and other stuff not paper-related).
  14. That will look good once it is established. You will have to change your location profile now
  15. All your questions have been answered but another suggestion to keep cats out is to arrange rocks around the edge in such a way that they all wobble when the cat stands on them. Cats dislike wobbly surfaces so will avoid them. We have a number of neighbourhood cats drink from our pond but have never had any of them try and get any fish. Others have had major cat problems. All depends on the cat :-? In a pond that small I would prefer to filter it, unless you keep running fresh water through it as Mel suggested.
  16. More of a shame you didn't get any of wok's chocolate cake Neon :lol: Sorry about the car wok, at least you got home safely before it started playing up.
  17. Donna I was just following with the "5" theme Those who wish to do so may eat more than 5 things :bounce:
  18. Here he is 2 years ago... He is now 4 years old.
  19. I know his cere looks brown now but it used to be blue and considering how well he talks he is definitely male! He doesn't eat the cardboard, just flings it about. You can't leave books lying around and there is not much cover left on the phone book :roll:
  20. This was an ordinary box of tissues until someone decided it was tasty... "It wasn't me, I didn't do it!" Here is all that is left...
  21. It isn't the shipping cost that is the problem, it is the quarantine.
  22. Hmm I think I see a photo opportunity on Sunday
  23. I had an algae eater do this once (and a BN) and they both exploded in the end Never worked out what was wrong and all other fish were fine :-? Sometimes they will get a pinecone effect due to the amnount they are swelling, rather than dropsy. If dropsy, the pinecone effect will be all over the fish, including along the top. If swelling for another reason it will mainly be the stomach area only. Try feeding cokked, shelled pea or giving it an Epsom salt bath in case it has a blockage.
  24. Should we buy another vehicle again for him to drive down to keep him away from the cake? :-?
  25. Box filters work well too. Leave the lid off so the fry don't get stuck.
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