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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Hydrocortisone injections are commonly used. Sometimes they work well and sometimes they don't work at all. Grant has had them in other places but not the spine. The first set (he had both shoulders injected) worked well for about 6 months but the next set did nothing at all. :-? It is different for everyone but try not to get wound up over the thought of it! (easier said than done)
  2. Or spray down the air vents! :evil: We have a cat from next door that is a major nuisance. We found it inside trying to get Bud the other day. Luckily his cage hangs from a bungee from the ceiling so the cat couldn't get him (the same one that hangs around the window each evening when we let Bud out). We can't leave the garage door open as it gets in and leaves cat paw marks and fluff over everything - including the black cloth top on the car :evil: Neighbouring cats use our yard to poo all over the place. If I ever see one eyeing up the goldfish I will catch it and do something bad to it!!! :evil:
  3. I just used my own name as I would never remember any username I came up with. I have enough trouble remembering passwords! :-?
  4. Caryl

    what catfish?

    If you ask the editor nicely she might send a copy of that article
  5. They catch the light beautifully don't they?
  6. I suggest you get payment upfront si_sphinx (That is in no way a reflection on Mystic specifically, just that recently we have had a lot of enthusiam and "Yes please" for things but when it came to the crunch, many backed away :roll: ). Seems many people don't want to put their money where their mouth is
  7. The skin burning probably refers to them being handled in dry hands out of the water.
  8. Here is a genuine rubbish photo - or, to be more precise, a photo of rubbish. Have no idea what is under the fluff :lol:
  9. Same camera and macro mode, closeup of dragonfly face covered in sand.
  10. I see your three spiders and raise you mine (body was only about 1cm long and it is on the edge of the windscreen) Taken without a special lens, in macro mode, on my Sony DSCF828
  11. If they are small goldfish you may not see a spike at all as the filter will be able to build up the good bacteria slowly in harmony with the fish waste. If you are cycling slowly and properly this may be the case. I would do the once weekly water changes as you usually would, or when the nitrAtes get too high. A tank is considered done when the ammonia and nitrIte have reduced to 0 and nitrAtes have begun to rise. The water changes will keep the nitrAtes low (aim for less than 50mg/l, less than 25 is better though)
  12. I will give you information to update in the new year Zev. I was emailed with details last night and they wil be putting finishing touches (and a registration form) on it in time for the Feb AW I'll check and see if I can release some details before then. It all sounds like it will be really good! The accommodation is opposite Dressmart in Hornby and close to Hornby Mall (for those bringing spouses who are not into fish). It is also on the main bus route into the city centre.
  13. Good luck! It was an agent who got Gareth into the finance job
  14. Taking photographs of females in pet shops might get you into trouble She is a stunner though :lol:
  15. Good luck with finding a new job and remember, don't limit yourself to IT! My son trained in tourism as he wanted to get cheap travel :lol: but he graduated not long after 9/11 so was unable to get work in that area. He ended up at a rental car agency. That did not go well and he then applied for something he knew nothing about and got the job - with an independent finance broker. They chose him over the other applicant as the other guy was experienced whereas my son they could train their way without him having any preconceived ideas of how it should be done. When that job got more difficult as the recession started to bite, he again applied for a job he knew nothing about and was taken on by the legal system (and not as a guest either 8) ) . He is now a deputy court registrar at the Children and Young Persons Court and enjoying it very much. All these jobs were very different and had steep learning curves but he found them all interesting and they have given him a wide experience base. He is now being paid enough to afford to travel overseas paying the same as everyone else
  16. You can buy a sealant for concrete water tanks to make sure it is safe for water. Don't know what it is called though but it should stop the pH from rising as it will seal the concrete.
  17. Well I just got home from work and came to see what had happened! Waiting with trepidation... :-?
  18. Nothing planned here. Grant is on call so will probably be called out umpteen times (good pay on stat days though) but it will help pay for the redecorating we have been doing 8)
  19. Yep, goldfish produce a lot of waste and I suspect this is the cause of the pH drop. Have all those fish been added at once to an uncycled tank? Dropping pH is going to be the least of your problems if so as I suspect you will also have high ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings Goldfish don't care what the pH is.
  20. The fun and excitement of writing an article for the Aquarium World magazine 8) The kudos of seeing your work published And my undying gratitude
  21. Get one of those zappers. The kids will have great fun chasing flies with it.
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