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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl


    I have Shark filters here and they have foam inserts. Don't see why you couldn't add noodles too.
  2. Don't add any food to the bags. How big are the fish? The bigger the fish the more waste so less to a bag in that case. More air than water in the bags too.
  3. Danios are really hardy and good for beginners. As are tiger barbs and golden barbs for a start. People often choose neons as they are pretty and cheap but they tend to die easily these days :roll: It would be good to know what the big thing is. If it is a common or sailfin plec it will grow too big for the tank. Here's hoping it is a fully grown Ancistrus bristlenose instead 8)
  4. I don't care if it isn't pre Christmas. I am not doing anything or going anywhere special requiring false nails
  5. Then I'll donate my fingers to the cause. Let us know when you are over next. Never had acrylic nails so it will be a new experience! A 50% discount is very reasonable too 8)
  6. Gotta have food involved (human food, not fish food) :lol:
  7. I will contact the Tasman members and pass on your request. Is Blenheim considered "near Nelson"?
  8. I have always found extra water changes seemed to make it worse. I would leave it and see if it settles again on its own. Someone else may have other suggestions.
  9. Get the stuff they sell at farm outlets that they use on dams.
  10. White cloudy or green cloudy? How long has the tank been set up. If it is relatively new (less than 6 months) it will be an algae bloom and will settle down as the tank matures. It is not harmful to the fish but doesn't look nice.
  11. I would not keep turning the filter off. They need the flow. If you are turning it off because it is noisy at night, perhaps try muffling it with more filter wool or raising the water level if possible. The goldfish tail will heal. I'm not sure how many timeas an hour it is supposed to be but 5x popped into my mind for some reason :-? You can't over-filter unless the current is so strong the fish are plastered to the end wall of the tank
  12. It is a natural analgaesic and antibiotic. Often an old time remedy suggested for toothache and indeed, some dentists used to use it before anaesthetics were available.
  13. Caryl

    Lumpy fungus

    Sometimes a growth like this can grow as a secondary infection on top of a wound underneath. You might find it will drop off, or is easily knocked off, and the the wound underneath has healed. Is it white and fluffy? If so, it could be this.
  14. Shows how ignorant you are smidey as the females have a special adaptation that allows them to talk and fart at the same time! :lol:
  15. Caryl

    BioPet Products

  16. Makes me feel better about my own typos :lol:
  17. Our local freebie Saturday paper had the following sentence in a story about the foodbank's annual street appeal to collect stuff for the cause... "This year 120 special Christmas dinner parcels will also be delivered, including roast children and Christmas cake." :-?
  18. Hi and welcome Jamie. If your saltwater tanks are cold you will need a chiller as the weather heats up over summer. I ran a cold rock pool tank for a year or two but found it too difficult to keep cold enough when the room sat at 28C. :roll: I have since bought a chiller but not got around to setting up another rock pool environment.
  19. Caryl

    moving soon

    Remember to drive slowly and carefully as the water will slosh a lot!
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