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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Anchor some Java fern to a rock so they can't remove it. I get oxygen weed from the local river and add that. It doesn't matter if the goldfish eat it, or uproot it as I go and get more - free! :bounce: Try establishing plants in pots first then transfer them to the goldfish tnak once their roots are established.
  2. There are quite a few pics of mine in the forum elsewhere.
  3. 7 fish a swimming... Bad algae in the water I know I also suspect the fish are dyed. :-?
  4. Caryl

    PH ??????

    Have a look here and see if that helps you understand the Kh and how it relates to your tank. I assume by 'sucking thru the gravel' you mean with a siphon during water changes. This is good as it will be getting rid of excess waste. I doubt you are doing it too much.
  5. I'm sure you will have a lovely Christmas in hospital as the staff go all out to make it so for those who are too ill to be at home. I am sure Luca will be better soon.
  6. There is not that much condensation. We have a heater plus the sucky motor thingie in the ceiling. The switches have RCDs in them. People plug hairdryers and shavers etc into bathroom sockets so why not filters, lights etc? Having thought about the comments re the lighting and the height of the tank I htink I might set the tank up in the lounge instead and put something else in the bathroom (or set up another tank with colourful tropical fish instead. Not fighters though as I am not too keen on them
  7. Identical light whichever side it is on. May be slightly brighter in A due to the open door but it is the south side of the house. Thanks Adodge. I am very pleased with it. 8) If I leave the top as is it will get all sorts of stuff dumped on it - and most of it probably won't actually belong in the bathroom!
  8. I am surprised he hasn't died from embarrassment :lol:
  9. Small bristlenoses will eat algae but the bigger ones don't seem interested. :roll: Yes he could kill the kuhli. Tank size won't be helping as it is a wee bit small but I have not found BNs to be too territorial, except when chasing others away from the food.
  10. It will have a glass lid with a fluoro bulb lying on it covered in a bit of white plastic guttering 8) That is my standard lighting. I think it will need something as the leopardfish are so well camouflaged, and small, you won't be able to see them. Perhaps I need to consider more colourful species :roll: Toilet patrons don't need to worry about their heads as the loo is in a separate room. Thanks to Siran, I think the A choice is in the lead at the moment :lol:
  11. Is he the only BN in the tank? If so, I would say he is lonely and trying to cosy up to the kuhlis. Get him a mate or two or re-home him (or the kuhlis) as I fear it will end in tears :-?
  12. I almost always have a 2nd filter in my main tank, ready for emergencies and such.
  13. Now my new bathroom is finished I think the vanity could do with a fish tank on it. I happen to have a fish tank that will fit! Serendipity!! :bounce: I can't decide on which end of the unit to sit the tank, or whether to face it forward or side on. The photos were taken from the doorway. Behind the door (you can just see the edge of it) is the shower. If I put the tank on the left (A or C) it can be seen nicely from the door. It can be seen at the other end too but not as easily. If I put it wide side facing front it is easier to see from the door but I feel the shape suits better to have it side on to the door. Which way around do you think would look best, and why? PS. I will be putting leopardfish, Phalloceros caudomaculatus, in it. Coldwater I know but I thought more people might read this in the freshwater section 8)
  14. I have a flat piece of driftwood I use as a divider between a higher and lower level of gravel, rather than dividing gravel from sand. I find that, over time, the top layer dtifts over the top and around the edges to pile up at the lower level.
  15. I have a big group of BNs, more males than females. They did nothing for 4 or 5 years then didn't stop breeding for another 1 or 2 years then stopped again until another 4 or 5 years went by then suddenly I find fry zipping about again. Of course the fry could be from some of the resulting original fry, not the originals. I have no idea who is doing the producing as I don't know where they lay the eggs. My tank is heavily planted and has no caves, just big bits of driftwood. I suspect they have a hollow area in the driftwood somewhere, or under it. :-?
  16. No there isn't, the shubunkin isn't an oranda.
  17. Put the filter on the cycled tank now while you think about your fish options. It will seed there while you think
  18. Ditto from me. By the way, what is "time off"? :roll:
  19. Caryl

    Fly Control

    If the tanks are covered you should be fine. If you are still worried, throw a towel or covering over the gaps when you spray. Our kitchen/dinig/lounge is all open too and I spray it all except directly at the tank, which is at the far end from where the seating is - and the flies are worse at our end anyway :lol: I use whichever odourless fly spray is cheapest at the time :roll:
  20. Caryl

    Fly Control

    Fly screens and fly spray - never over the tanks though. I happily spray for flies in the room where the tank is but I spray away from the tank and at the other end of the room only. Spraying the windowsills helps too. Gordy's Trap (I think it is called) is said to be excellent.
  21. Chopper on the pad Towing the rig Lowering the ship
  22. Grant had a 30 minute chopper ride down Pelorus Sound to a fault at a Vodafone site at Bulwer. On the way they watched some tugs towing an oil rig towards the ship it was to be loaded onto. The ship slowly lowers the central section so they can float the rig over it. Flying over some salmon farms Aiming for the little landing pad halfway up the hill
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