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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. I thought it looked familiar!
  2. Go and have a look at www.artgame.com and be prepared to waste a few hours! There are T shirts, posters, jigsaws and lots of other stuff from the artist Royce McClure. They have a shop online too! :bounce: I bought a T shirt when we were in Brunei 3 years ago and realised, once I had a closer look back at the hotel, that it had been done by this man and that he was a kiwi. I thought it ironic I had bought a shirt there only to find the kiwi connection. Today, I realised my 3 frogs T shirt I bought at the Vancouver Aquarium last year is also a RoyceArt pic :roll: Have a look at the jigsaws available they look really neat!
  3. The 2 most common causes are poor water quality or stress. If there is blood in the fins it could be bacterial.
  4. I have just been given these bookmarks. The pic does not do them justice as they are 3D. The clowns in particular really leap out at you!
  5. I don't think he has one. He posts in the commercial section so contact him through there, or phone.
  6. Yuck! Anise and licorice!! All the more reason not to touch it.
  7. Never heard of them but the non dwarf versions are quite happy at cooler temeratures than the average tropical fish who likes it 24 - 27C. Many of the barbs are perfectly happy at a lower 18 - 22C but will be fine at the higher temps.
  8. Also - a not overstocked, well established, heavily planted tank can get away with only the occasional water change and the filter being cleaned out once a year or so too
  9. In this day and age of overstocking aquariums and easy access to gadgets then people always go for filtration. It certainly makes for a lot less work! Since it is a small tank with very few fish (and small ones at that) I can get away without filtration and doing weekly water changes. I am doing one bucket at a time - which is approx 10L. I have measured the tank again and taking the substrate and space at the top into the equation, I actually have more like 28L in it, not the 40L as first claimed :roll:
  10. They used to be readily available but then lost favour as people wanted more brightly coloured fish.
  11. Who was the idiot who put the capslock there??? :roll: It should be out of the way! :evil:
  12. Has summer arrived down there yet Southerrrngirrl? The TV seems to imply your weather has been lousy so far We have been having 28 - 33C with very strong nor'west winds. Waaay too hot for my comfort! :-?
  13. Daphnia are bigger. I too get those little dots swimming about with the daphnia and mozzie larvae. Not sure what they are called. I thought they might be copepods or amphipods but someone else gave me another name although I can't remember what it was they claimed them to be :roll: Copepods are crustaceans which are found in freshwater and marine environments. About 12,000 species have been described to date. Copepods have a variety of behaviors and preferred habitats. Amphipods are larger, and readily visible to the naked eye. They look like giant commas. Both these things are talked about a lot with marines so I guess there are more saltwater species than fresh. All sorts of insects and little critters have small larvae that are pretty indistinuguishable uless under a microsope. All are good to feed to fish although I am not sure they are necessarily a good source of nutrients.
  14. Convert? To what? Leopardfish or non filtration Navarre? I have been a proponent of both for many years now
  15. Sam, filters are not a necessity and I do not need to attach a sponge filter. I actually have a number of UGFs and sponge filters lying about that I could have used but figured there was no need for them at this stage.
  16. I was given 4 adults and 3 juvenile leopardfish, Phalloceros caudomaculatus, at the end of November (thanks Whiskas 8) ). I have noticed 5 fry swimming about this morning :bounce: A good start to the New Year, just about doubling my numbers. 8) I decided not to put them in the new bathroom, they are sitting on top of one of the lounge speakers in a 455mm x 300 x 300, 40L tank. No filtration, as I was expecting a small internal filter for Christmas but my dear son presented me with a powerhead by mistake :roll: :-? With small fish in small numbers filtration will not be necessary anyway if I keep up regular water changes. They have a dark gravel substrate with some mini sag and red rotala planted along with duckweed on the surface. The duckweed came with the fish but I like it so kept it. So far it is not getting carried away but time will tell
  17. Twenty ten makes sense. We have Tchaikovsky's Eighteen Twelve Overture, not the Eighteen Thousand and Twelve Overture
  18. Never had a problem with flies and fish tanks. :-?
  19. If it is just a colour change, without the edges getting ragged or red streaks running through, I would assume it is just a colour change. If the ends are ragged and look like they are rotting it may be fin rot.
  20. Clear white or white white? Sometimes they change colour.
  21. Caryl

    What is this?

    A bee foot then? To be found below the bees knees
  22. We made it to Picton just in time and sat on the foreshore to watch the fireworks. While we waited we got talking to a couple of Canadian guys on a 3mth scooter tour of NZ. They were enjoying themselves a lot despite one of the scooters having mechanical problems.
  23. Not half as glad as she is I am sure! :roll:
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