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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. Caryl

    Cloudy Eye

    It is possible it has damaged the eye on something and it may improve without intervention. If the water quality in the pond is good I would be inclined to leave it alone while it is acting and eating normally. Often the stress of separating them is enough to trigger more problems :-? If it worsens, or the fish's behaviour changes, I would remove it and consider an internal infection to be the cause. As it is one eye on one fish which is otherwise happy, I would be more inclined to think it an injury, rather than infection, at this point.
  2. Ah well, back to the other suggestion then :lol: Try the starters but more likely the tube.
  3. I'm with you there si_sphinx but to each his (or her) own I guess.
  4. Try the starter but it is usually the tube. You may have bought a faulty tube. Try changing the tubes around. You know the middle tube is good so try the other 2 in that position and see what happens. Try the middle tube in the outer positions and see if the flicker changes too. As all the tubes are probably the same age they will probably fail around the same time.
  5. Well I have added a light to the tank and can now count somewhere between 10 - 16 fry. The damn things won't stay still so I can count accurately! There is definitely 10 but unsure whether the rest are others or some of the 10 counted more than once :roll:
  6. Imagine how much worse it will be with an H in Wanganui
  7. Caryl

    Hi Ya'll

    Welcome back. Personally I could do without that bug as it drives me nuts! :lol:
  8. Caryl

    Would this work?

    I used spray paint from cans bought from the big red emporium
  9. Sorry to hear that Alan. Best wishes to her for a speedy recover if possible. Donna we would love to have a BBQ at your place, thank you for the offer. Send me the details (address and time) and I will start on an itinerary so people have a rough idea of where we hope to be and when. I intend to work on it this weekend. It looks like we will start at Navarre's then spoon's then Redwood Aquatics so far. We have both days to visit as much as possible.
  10. Misty used to climb under the lid and sleep next to the lights where it was warm. The only time she took interest in the fish was when we had a pictus cat. I think the silver attracted her attention...
  11. They look like glorified goldfish bowls to me and I would not recommend one considering the lack of water surface area. I would have thought them too small for marines but I do not know anything about the salty side. I consider them too small for most tropicals anyway :-?
  12. I'm afraid I know little about internal infections. Try Googling one of the many fish disease sites to see what they recommend. A lot of the meds aren't available in NZ though. Hopefully someone here can be more helpful :-? I assume these are the only fish affected? Have you any other bottom dwellers? It could be something in the substrate but if other bottom dwelling fish are fine perhaps you bought them alerady with the infection.
  13. I would assume some sort of internal parasite or bacteria
  14. The only difference between keeping cold and tropical is the need for a heaterstat. You also need to research the fish you would like to make sure they are all compatible You have a lot more options fish-wise with tropical too. If you add your location to your profile you might be able to get a little personalised help too if required. Click on the User Control Panel at the top right of the page.
  15. I make it 135L too but once you take into account the depth of the gravel and the distance the water level will be from the top, it will be 120 - 125L more likely, if not a bit less. In a tank that size I would have 3 goldfish, 4 at the most. They grow large and are very messy. You want a good filter to cope with the waste. I would suggest an external canister filter or a hang on the back (HOB) filter like the Aqua Clear. Do not get an undergravel as goldfish shift the gravel around and expose the filter plates. Both external canisters and HOBs have the motor inside so don't require pumps.
  16. I found livebearers did not like the traps. It is preferable to have them in a tank with lots of floating and fine leaved plants so the fry have plenty of places to hide. If you leave it until the last moment to add the female she will often abort too.
  17. At least you know the person has received it when it disappears from your outbox. Unlike email where they can claim they never got it and you have no idea if they really did or not :-?
  18. Sneaky danilada. You can also buy larger flat sieve-like things used to cover frypans so fat doesn't spit everywhere.
  19. They are all getting to be the same these days and I hate the ads so prefer CDs. When the radio is on I htink it is The Breeze or More. Husband listens to the National programme :roll:
  20. I have never seen what others see in fighters but your pics may have converted me! I love those ones!! :bounce:
  21. Goldfish like it too but if you do not have any duckweed loving fish then netting is the only way to go.
  22. I have a 27 yr old son who still likes Spongebob :roll:
  23. It isn't saying you need more filtration. It is saying you are using 61% of your available filtration I think :-?
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