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Everything posted by Caryl

  1. You reckon we need the bus to stop at your cafe then and we all have a turn at baking our masterpiece there? :lol:
  2. We can all bring our baked goods with us Easier for those of us driving than the ones flying in though
  3. Thanks for the replies. I have an article about them and wanted to add feeding requirements.
  4. Hint taken. My avatar is self explanatory (and descriptive) :lol:
  5. My daughter worked for a family in the US and she said they had 24 different cereals in their pantry! None of them healthy ones - all laden with sugar. The pie competition idea for conference isn't silly either
  6. I just get a white page also and have been to the site before :-? Perhaps they are broken?
  7. Perhaps you need to bring back some cans of pumpkin.
  8. Would they be small enough?
  9. How do you feed the anemones? I have been told they are difficult to keep in an aquarium because they feed on zooplankton
  10. Yes and they are a dark green and really round, whereas the grey ones tend to be flatter on top and bottom.
  11. Did your lunch enjoy the walk? :lol:
  12. The amount of difference driftwood will make to the pH depends on what else is in the tank with it.
  13. Good to hear he has come right. Make a note to see if he has troubles after being fed.
  14. Caryl

    Fish Pond Help

    Many line ponds using the stuff they sell at farmers' supply stores for the farm dams. You can also buy lining in precut sizes at places like The Warehouse.
  15. Caryl


    Welcome to the fishroom
  16. The flakes ought to be fine but if you had been feeding pellets, I wanted to note that some swell more when wet than others. Flakes should be good unless he gulps a lot of air when eating (as goldfish are also prone to do). A couple of peas will be fine (popped out of their skin) and you should see results within a day or two. Don't feed any other foods in the meantime.
  17. I should think they freeze well so could be made earlier in the week even!
  18. We had a whole farm to run around in and our own creek to fall into :lol: You were allowed to climb trees, almost drown when your homemade canoes sank, ride bikes downhill without helmets, have fights with slingshots, make brake-free go-karts, and all the fun stuff in the olde days
  19. Pictionary and Scabble have already been mentioned. Barrel of Monkeys, Meccano, lots of card games, Operation...
  20. What were you feeding him and what was he being fed before you got him? Black moors are one of the short bodied goldfish and very prone to digestive disorders and swim bladder problems. If it is his digestion, the peas ought to clear him out. Some of the cheaper brands of fish pellets swell a lot when water is added. If you give them to these fish they eat them fine but they swell up once in the digestive canal causing problems until they are expelled at the other end.
  21. Babysitting? Aren't you using them as free slave labour?
  22. Caryl

    Dying fish....

    Fin rot is usually caused by poor water quality. It may also be that another fish is attacking it. What else in in there?
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