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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. :bounce: Deposited the money... dad deposited an extra $3.50 for shipping........ haha. silly him.
  2. thinking about this reflector thingy, im keen to buy me some! Money saving week incoming! which means no new plants. =[ would glosso grow well in sand?
  3. Was in animates today, found a juwel reflector for $30. it was 1 size too small, but 1 size up should not be much more. thats pretty affordable if u ask me. $60-70 to double ur lights brightness. it should take u up to 4 Watts per gallon. if thats how it works. Mine has 108w for 55g.
  4. yeah... They are high lite ones... =] 54w
  5. No ideo sorry =S could check if u told me where to look. lol
  6. How would i PM them? 0.0 and how much is it? wouldn't really want to spend more than $25 all up... EDIT: NVM! just bought some of someone... or going to anyway.
  7. Whos tank? Mine juwel 240? or.... the one up there ^^^
  8. Anybody have any of this sitting around? Would like to buy some. If its not too expensive.
  9. Cheers. Just what i was hoping for. =] Yes, that is a nice plant. I will buy some when i next have the chance.
  10. That would be much appreciated. I have never seen any in chch. Dont think i've seen any on trademe.
  11. NO ROOTS =0 :lol: Where would i get some riccia from? lol is it fast growing?
  12. Do the roots attach to wood like... african fern? or not?
  13. alrighty then. First time regulary dosing meds/fertz/w.e.... had them for about 2 years so i guess it must be a shock for them.
  14. How does it propagate? also is riccia wildly available in NZ?
  15. I did do a large water change after i had double dosed. did about 40% change now i am dosing a little less than the recc dosage. 1 cap per 50g, i have 55g... i'll start to dose every other day then.
  16. Also that crypt someone mentioned before.. the long leaved one..... Where would i buy some? anyone have some spare?
  17. Indian fern. Anyone got any good photos of it in a tank? If never seen it in a tank. Only whats on trademe... It looks like it can be quite tall and really bushy. Should i try some?
  18. The one thats doing is it about 13cm, there is another 13cm in there but i have have them for years and they have never bred. Once i had a blue one and they bred, but ghost knife at the eggs, and then the blue one died for some reason. Was a few years back. The other 3 aren't breeding age yet. So im pretty confident they aren't breeding. "the shakes" = she(?) was shaking her dorsal fin like crazy, very small fast movements. Now she at it again. parasite maybe? now shes shaking her bottom fin and use her... anal fins? as if shes trying to scrap something off. shes swimming at funny angles as well. looks really distressed, darting around the tank and rubbing herself anything she can find.
  19. 4 days ago i bought excel, first day i did reco dosage, second day twice recco dosage for algae, last 2 days normal dosage. Today 1 of my discus seems to be trying to itch or scratche itself on the leaves of my sword plant and has got the shakes! HELP PLZ! i did a water change yesterday for him, incase there was still too much excel in there.
  20. Haha, i wouldn't object, but my family might think its wierd when some stranger from the internet turns up to take photos of my tank? = P mums home this weekend anyway
  21. i would, but my camera is in germany with my mum. cellphone camera is too crappy to focus.
  22. I only have ottos and a lazy whiptail.... kinda hard for them to eat staghorn i guess. My leaves weren't very badly effected. It was mainly on my val, which i trimmed every morning and after school after it hard grown too long on a leaf. unfortunetly it managed to reach one of my logs, but its dead now.
  23. When my algae turns pink, will it fall off? or do i manually take it off?
  24. How much are these light reflectors?
  25. Is that java or xmas moss? im after some xmas moss.. Anyone wanna list some on trademe or something?
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