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Everything posted by DennisP

  1. Its only a small chance the geo's will choke on the tetra. Nothing to worry about. You'd be unlucky to even get 1 choking to death. Leaf litter will still work with cories and geos, just use less, so tehre is still room for the geo's to reach the sand.
  2. That too, but you can at least buy it large and attach it.
  3. DennisP

    Hey Sam!

    I think I see the box the kitten came in. :lol: :facepalm:
  4. Just did. Now if only I had the patience to live with a bare looking tank in my room for a few months while the moss grows.
  5. Make sure it gets food, provide more cover, be gentle on WC temp changes and pH changes and check for any diseases. Most likely just very stressed.
  6. The problem with that is getting the roots to fit/hang down properly without it looking bad. If you have a glass top/no top you look at straight cut edges or something holding it in place, if you have a solid cover you have the trouble of getting it to fit inside.
  7. My tank style list of favourite to least favourite gose: Nature aquarium NICE biotope Planted (dutch,iwugami etc)
  8. Yehp. Takes no effort either. Got bit like 5 times last night so I thought it'd be about time they start laying.
  9. I re set up this morning. Water and driftwood. Didn't have much luck before, and then it got windy and blew bucket over. Will post again with my success eventually.
  10. In all honesty, I don't think there is such a thing as a south american/amazon biotope. Hard scape may be accurate at times, but I don't think many of the fish will ever meet each other in the wild, or live in an environment that is like the scape. Theres just too much variety and diversity. Best to pick part of the river/region and try copy that, like a pool cut off from the river, or just have an empty, dirty tank and say its part of the amazon. I did see on tv, a large pool/lake that was crystal clear and hard heaps of fish and plants... Might see if I can find it.
  11. Theres some quick black water biotopes I would imagine are quite accurate depending on what part of the river. HTH
  12. Amazon swords. Echinodorus sp. Come in all sorts of variety, so I suggest choose carefully and if getting more than one, get the same type. Also, hair grass, or elocharis - again, differents types, but they are much the same. This I'd plant close to the driftwood/rock outcrops as in the wild plants tend to grow close to the protection of sturdy objects, and fragile plants especially.
  13. Yehp. Amazon Biotopes are pretty easy to set up. Sand substrate + Leaves. Rocks. A piece or 2 of driftwood. A small amount of plants - Preferably only 1 species. Tannins and low light. Done.
  14. I'd link the 'love' song, but that may be a little in appropriate...
  15. Also, I'm called Dennis , Brother is called Brian, and littlest Brother is called Ben. Guess who the only one is who is happy with their name...? You can't tease someone about a name thats quite common.
  16. From experience I second this. I can not count the number of times I wished my parents had given me a 'normal' name. No need for an original/strange name anyway.
  17. Its Gonna look awesome. I might have to reconsider the offer on the driftwood! !drool:
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