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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. um adreinne on here has some very beatiful fighter, try talking to her
  2. i have heard that as well , but i also heard they have evry same fetility rates :-?
  3. should this not be in the lol cat thread :roll:
  4. i heard that you have to cross a male electric blue with a normal female to get the electric blue , because they are infertile or somthing, please correct me if im wrong , because im going to have a go :happy1:
  5. that looks realy good , i might have to get the spects wen i get my co2
  6. um u mite just have to feed them some baby food first, or just feed them 1/4 of a table 2 days after they hatch
  7. but be careful cos if you feed to much it will make ur tank fowl, hope this helps
  8. wait about 3-4 days then feed half a tab for about a week , then after a week feed then 1 tab broken up
  9. um well if you have a well aged tank with gravel they should be fine until they are big enough to eat jbl nova tabs, thts wat i use for all my cories with great sucess
  10. kp, i would say that is a male, but i may be wrong :-?
  11. let me no when you do some cuttings of you plants cos im keen for some new types
  12. wait till you get to yr 12 its even worse, but u need to do the work to pass :roll:
  13. i could help aswell what else do you need , ill send some food down
  14. it could have jumped out, or its body has been eaten by the other fish, or he is just hiding :roll:
  15. Planning a fish shop run, when u only have 1hr till trainning
  16. nooo it is not true ( well if it is id be in jail)
  17. silca would be heavier cause it compacts down more
  18. i reackon they would end up at the bottom
  19. wow nice discus, i think the silca sand compacts so it will be just weight it down with a rock
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