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Everything posted by myfishybuisness

  1. I would disagree, just the nature of those individual fish, as I have honey gouramis ( and most others) and they are all peaceful ( unless breeding, then males can get a bit aggressive but not to bad) I would recommed honey dwarfs as they have nice colour and aren't shy
  2. it will be full of all the fish that have passed away
  3. yeah i no, but when it was dead straight looking at us it had abit of room at the back
  4. hey mike i would say hes only 50cm max cause he was turning and had plent of room
  5. hahah , was a bit of a mission getting him to your house ae :roll: , but maybe pleco,some indo tats, oscars
  6. Tanks, and I have an idea how he might have got there, sometime platy can cross with swordtails, this maybe the case with your baby
  7. ok, well i got 7 red swords from my grandad on thursday, one was realy fat, so i thought with the change in water she would breed, then that night i put her in a breeding trap, next morning i go out to fish shed and find 30+ baby swords, then look at my neon blue guppies and they have spawned around 20 babies, then i check albino snakeskin guppies and there is a couple (3-5) then friday i find a couple more another (3-5) then this morning i walk in and go to feed them and there is around 30+ babies at the top :happy1: :happy1:, this was a huge suprise as they usual only have around 10-15 per spawn :happy2: , and they will all be from my show winning male , so should get some nice males out of it. so all in all a great 3 days for my livebearers
  8. welcome , hope you dont get mts to soon :facepalm:
  9. jbl novapleco for vegatarian plecos, jbl novatabs for carrnivores plecos and cories
  10. no thts the allowed list the import list is what is being imported at the moment
  11. hi and welcome , thts a pretty good first attempt
  12. yeah hes a show winning male and your 1 looks to be a cobra or snakeskin
  13. the aquaone cf1200, of the fluval 305 i have both but i have my fluval in my room like 2m from where i sleep and i barly hear it
  14. trust me david no wat he talking about , he has millions of the sucker
  15. whats the red and white, it looks cool
  16. !drool: !drool: your are the master david
  17. omg, i think i have seen them before
  18. ok ill start heres my albino males
  19. ok if you raise them put me down for 10 please
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