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Everything posted by Sophia

  1. Is there a time limit to how long you can keep the culture alive for, or how long to keep feeding to the fish? I read on one site that you should throw them out every few days but I have so many shrimp that there are still millions left to feed. Will they just keep growing in the brine? Do I have to feed them or what?
  2. I think both those plants in Ira's tank are swords/echinidorus but there are lots of other different kinds. Mine are both quite small and compact, about 10cm tall only. Also I don't think there is a sand too fine for cories. probably the finer the better as they sift it through their gills
  3. Sophia

    new scape

    :thup: looks great what critters will live there? the twigs remind me of grape stalks :gigl:
  4. Today's update: peppered cory young are down to 3 after a mystery ailment dropped 5 of them for apparently no reason last week. CPDs are thriving, some are big enough to sell (see P T & E section) . Last Friday I set up a small brine shrimp jar and they've just hatched so I'm enjoying playing with the bugs and feeding them to the fish. They all get full orange bellies :love:
  5. I used aquarium silicone. Also aqua-knead works pretty well but it's quite expensive compared to silicone. Silicone's probably the cheapest.
  6. I find moss and stem plants annoying. It turns out that while I like my aquariums to look pretty, I am lazy about maintenance. :dnc1:
  7. Orere Point Or any ocean beach after a big wind that's been blowingin from the sea
  8. I had the same requirement as you - plants that are low maintenance but look good - now I have only crypts, some small swords, and java fern of various kinds attached to wood and stone.
  9. Sophia

    The What's Up? thread.

    Nope, no feature fish required, your 2 schools of habrosus or neons should be the feature
  10. I clicked on the link to your photo and clicked the IMG tag on the right. It was the one on the bottom of the 4.
  11. I know of you, me, Liam and Likoma so far. Liam knows of one other I think
  12. Sophia

    The What's Up? thread.

    they appear to be looking for their anemones :cophot:
  13. I am lazy, I pour the water onto the back of my hand which I put just under the level of the water :fshi:
  14. Where exactly are we meeting? And does anyone (Li@m) want me to bring my 5 ember tetras to swap for $15 on the day? I'm pretty keen to move them on as my planted tank is busting with minifish.
  15. Sophia

    tank dividers

    here's what I did - perspex with a window cut out, filled with filter sponge. Works pretty well. I've seen the fry chomping off the mini critters living on there
  16. what counts as a big hatchery? I'm setting one up in a jug that takes about a litre and a half is it actually harmful to use the stone if it's not needed? I find that without a thing on the end it's hard to manage the outflow of the other tubes connected to it. I don't have a multiple way gang valve but I probably need one.
  17. what is the reason why people don't put air stones on the end of the tube in the brine shrimp hatchery?
  18. We're going to their sea/underwater exhibition and then on for lunch somewhere. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=64760
  19. If you have time, Auckland Fishkeepers is having a meeting at the museum on Sat at 11am.
  20. 1 JBL ball in the general vicinity of a plant or 2, or a bit of root tab pushed in near individual plants is what I do am not sure if this the scientific thing to do :dunno:
  21. I have used both root tab sticks from Valray and JBL balls. They both stick around for ages. I can't remember if the root tabs cloud the water when disturbed like the JBL balls do.
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