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Everything posted by Sophia

  1. Sophia

    The What's Up? thread.

    have you ordered some?
  2. probably a bit of meat, but then it's easier just to plod about and find where the shrimps are and scoop them up than wait for them to come.
  3. gambusia is like a wild guppy that is considered a pest fish ... I take it from f15hguy's comments that they eat shrimps?
  4. looks like Mossius mossius
  5. This evening's update: All my breeding compartments are now full of life. There is about 10 peppered cory fry. It's hard to tell as they blend in with the gravel. They're growing quite fast compared to minifish. There are at least 10 CPD fry from the last batch of mulm/moss growing out, and I've just done another mulm/moss save. There are probably 20+ in the community tank growing out now. A few are possible to sex, the rest are just little spotty fish for a bit longer. :thup:
  6. those eggs must have been well hidden to survive
  7. I just squeeze the sponges out in tank water taken out during a water change, the gunk stays in the water being chucked and then the degunked sponge goes straight back in the canister.
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