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Everything posted by Sophia

  1. Sophia

    The What's Up? thread.

    :sml2: Dearest Mother, Do you mind if I quintuple the amount it will cost to heat my tank?
  2. Maybe go back further and find out why they failed in the first place. If they failed because they weren't interested, first you have to generate enough interest for them to pass. Or perhaps you should talk to each one privately and find out if there was content that was too hard. Failure of any sort makes for shame and lack of confidence, then follows motivation. If you can address the bit they failed with then their enthusiasm might return and then the interest will already be there. In short, people who are interested generally ask questions anyway.
  3. Planning ahead, or is Cam a bit of a squirreller? :slfg:
  4. I'm pretty sure they must do. My cories take sand in through their snouts and snuff it out through their gills, I'd have thought their gills would be even more delicate than their digestive systems.
  5. The last photo made me laugh. I think a couple of others have posted photos of shellies telling them to get lost too. :sml2:
  6. Oh no you've been trapped and it's too late! Next it will be 'make me some jam', then 'make me strawberry mousse without the pips', then 'make me strawberry cupcakes'... you're in deep now Adrienne! :nilly:
  7. this thread is useless without ......... etc etc
  8. Please hurry back to the shop and tell him to get on a plane and come to West Auckland and see me too ... :spop:
  9. :gigl: I got some plant scissors from Ghostknife, they are handy when I don't feel like getting my whole arm wet :thup:
  10. these are my top pruning tools
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