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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. yeah we've removed it, just have the pale wood now. , sor right, we gonna do a east Asian biotope with the other tank, Java fern, crypts, vallisneria, Rotala rotundifolia,tiger lillies, rocks, pokey branches, black water, yoyos, clown loaches, zodiac loaches, skunk loaches, zebra loaches, maybe a peacock eel. looking forward to that one.
  2. Very cool, we have one that hangs around the house here, came up to the range slider the other day and poked it's head in the lounge for a nosy.
  3. Howdy Boss, and welcome.
  4. I'm sure 44 could arrange some for you and ship them, at your cost of course. Palmy is only a few hours away so won't be a huge trip for them.
  5. I just resined a large piece of slate to the bottom of ours, seems to have done the trick.
  6. Do you think the cochu's will become a midnight snack for the ghost knife?
  7. Ok, so I've decided my aquascaping abilities just aren't that good and I prolly do better natural looking boitopes that the fancy garden ones. Looking at our wish list we decided that a Amazon biotope was the way to go, though a combined biotope rather than from a specific area. Will ditch the carbon in the filter and replace it with peat or teabags or something. Had a wee fiddle with our cool Macro driftwood and finally managed to fix it to a heavy slab of slate, though the only problem with that I've discovered is I can't move it about or change the angle to get it looking just right. We're gonna get as many 'legal' Amazon plants as we can get. Our fish list is, 1 x Royal Plec 1 x Royal Whiptail 3 x Otos 5 Marble Hatchets (expensive :roll: ) 12 x Cories (hopefully mosaics) 1 x Black Ghost knife We want a shoaler but want to stay away from neons or the same old stuff, does anyone know anything about the Conchu Blue Tetra?, pretty big fish yeah? Their colours look stunning when young but do they lose them when older? Anyways, here's a few different looks, the last one is my fav, the others just look too crowded, as Siran said, less is more, what do you think, any different ideas will be much appreciated, as I want to take my time a get it just right. As a SA biotope will we need leaf litter around as well?, Brazilian trees are fairly scarce around here but we have a maple tree, would that work?
  8. Hiya, Bought a bromeliad and a succulent a few weeks ago for the terrarium and loved the results but unbeknown to us at the time, they contained nasty aphids who are now having a field day on the rest of the plants who where already sulking from the shift. Sirans Mum said Garlic water will deal with the lil buggers no worries but will it harm the frogs?, we'll prolly remove them for the treatment but how fastidious do you think we need to be when cleaning up the residuals. Would prefer not to remove the plants as they are really sulking and we fear to rip them out again would be the last straw. We have peace lillies, a maiden head fern and a wing fern. Thanks guys
  9. Are you one of those people that can subtract in a heartbeat?, i would suck at darts, my maths skills are patchy to say the least.
  10. Golf, but I've really wanted to get into sea kayaking for a long time but just can't justify the cost of the boat right at this moment, one day soon I hope though.
  11. Night moves-Bob Seger and the silver bullet band.
  12. OK, so looks like we're headed for another fairly serious drought here again. The new house uses rain water and yippee we ran out a few days ago, I seriously doubt we're gonna see any substantial rainfall any time soon. We were able to hook up to another temporary water supply but it's rather yuck, I think it comes from a pond or something, it certainly smells like it and it has a faint wee colour. We can't drink it and Siran says it's making the white washing wee coloured also. Today is my first day off and I wanted to start setting up the tanks, but am unsure how safe it'd be to use the water to rinse the gravel and fill the tanks with, my guess is it'd be safe for the fish but it could contain diseases. Do you think that's a serious consideration? Getting a sample tested isn't really a option as I don't think there's a place to take it to up here. We are hoping to hook up to a clean supply soon but it'll most likely be after my time off and as I do 13hr days I won't get a chance to do the tanks till next days off which is chrissy day. So, to take the risk or not take the risk, that is the question........
  13. yuppers, it's on sky, good program, the man eating catfish episode was good.
  14. Yes the Aqua Ones have trickle filters so they are noisy. I'm always worried that the water noise would make me wet the bed in my sleep but so far I've not had one of those "having a wee" dreams :roll:
  15. We had a reasonably large one in our Terrarium, along with a wee cold water fish of some sort, approximately the size of a small guppy and although we saw the spider under water hunting quite often It never caught it, in fact I think it became a frog snack itself as when we moved it was gone.
  16. I've just finished my 4th week at a new job and something happened yesterday that I'd like to share with you and perhaps get your opinion on whether you feel I did the right thing or not. This is quite a large farm, over 1100 cows and there are 4 full time staff and 1 part timer plus the boss. All of us are fairly new here except one guy who's been here for over 4 years, but what's unusual is he is not 2ic, that title belongs to the fulla who got here about 3 months ago. I get on well with everyone, but I have slowly discovered that the guy that's been here for 4 years is a bit of a crap stirrer and will run off to the boss and tattle at the slightest excuse, he is also rather incompetent, he says he's been farming for over 35 years and yet I've seen him do some really dodgy things just in the small time I've been here when it comes to animal health and the like. But the main thing I noticed early on when I stood next to him in the shed was the unmistakable smell of alcohol, at first I assumed he had a few to many at night but then one day Siran saw him driving up the driveway in the JCB with a stubby tucked neatly between his legs (on the weekend when the boss wasn't here of course) and one afternoon (once again on the bossless weekend) he was on cups off and was swigging back a beer. I frowned at this but thought, hey I'm new here and one beer here or there won't hurt. But in the last week, I've noticed he'll disappear for 15/20 minutes and then turn up smelling of alcohol, not beer but bourbon. several times a day and after lunch. Then yesterday I walked into the the little office area and here he is, sitting at the bosses desk, eating a subway and drinking a Cody's at 2pm in the afternoon. I looked at him, looked at the cody's and said "Hey, what's that?" He looked a little sheepish but shrugged and said "My lunch" and I replied "hey dude you shouldn't be doing that, not during work hours" and he just grinned, stood up, hid the empty cody's can in the rubbish and went and fed out in the tractor, well, that really got my goat up, I was fuming. How arrogant do you have to be to not only break an obviously serious rule but do it in the bosses office and then go and drive a heavy vehicle, and on top of that barely hide the evidence in the rubbish bin at the shed!! So as soon as I saw the 2ic I told him, and showed him the can in the rubbish. The 2ic thanked me, wasn't in the least surprised and we went our separate ways. Last night he came over for a few bourbons of our own but after hours as you're supposed to, and he told me he'd talked to him about it and of course he denied it all. Anyway, long story short, he reprimanded him and gave him an ultimatum. But then the 2ic said something to me that took me by surprise, he said, 'but aren't you being a bit of a wimp? and I said"huh? and he said, "well......all kiwis drink, it's what we do" What the??????????? No, I do not feel I was being a wimp, you do not drink alcohol during work hours, especially if you drive heavy machinery and work with large animals such as cows. What if he had a accident in the JCB and killed one of us?? I cannot believe New Zealanders attitudes concerning drinking!!!! So, do you agree with me, and did I do the right thing or do you agree with the 2ic, and I'm just whining and should let the man have his afternoon tipple?
  17. http://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/4414 ... d-floating
  18. we've just shifted and the poor old terrarium just got thrown together in a hurry so yesterday we decided to have a tidy up. We bought a bromeliad and a succulent off a lovely lady in Hikurangi who grows them and sells them from her house.
  19. How long does that wee bottle last for do you think?
  20. no don't rinse it, may as well just buy plain sand if you do for all the good it'll do.
  21. there's no topic or anything, it's like a blank space
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