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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. Hello their sKiP and Welcum 2 th 4rums
  2. Well done, the answer is * A Paradox*
  3. Your kids made that???, crickey you got em trained well....
  4. Listing has been withdrawn by trademe. Personally I think that was a pretty rubbish thing to do Malevolentsparkle, a quick explanation about the illegality of Koi Carp and the fact that they're almost defiantly goldfish would have been a much nicer option don't you think?
  5. Yes please, I don't get it either..............Barrie???
  6. I am hot but I need fire, I am tall but I need to jump, I am long but I need to stretch and I am slimy but I need slime, I am full but I need fuel. I end in X. What am I?
  7. So you like the Hobbit eh Reptile Maniac?
  8. yeah but glass isn't liquid in nature, it's sand
  9. Fjordland is how they spell it in Europe Joe. Here's a few pics I thought you might like off the farm we work on in the top of the North Island Deepsound, enjoy
  10. I watched 'Under the mountain' yesterday and was surprised at just how nice some of the spots right in the middle of Auckland are, and how much I don't know about this Country. For instance I had no idea there was a lake in Auckland :oops:
  11. Milford, Routeburn, and Kepler are the main walking tracks in Fiordland, Milford is prolly the most popular. Could the old Tree with the red trunk be a Rimu?, Totara? Fiordland is amazing, unfortunately I've never been in the South Island, one day hopefully. PS, when you posted it was 4.36pm on Sunday afternoon
  12. Bossy Danio nibbles me when I do a water change
  13. aww man, I'm sorry to hear that Doug, it's a horrible feeling when your house gets invaded like that.
  14. Thanks Imsmith. Myself and my father have only reconciled after 4 years (had nothing to do with Grandmas will) and we're both treading lightly around each other with this will business in case things flare up again. I never had a problem with his contesting and I'll prolly just sit back and let it all happen, he has every right as her son to do so regardless of whether I feel he deserves it or not. One question though in regards to costs, will the court costs come out of the entire sum or just mine and my cousins part?
  15. My Grandmother died approximately a year ago and myself and 2 other cousins are the sole heirs to her will. The long and the short of it is her two remaining sons(one of which is my Father) have been cut out and my father is contesting. I've tried countless times to find out exactly what is happening via the public trust, but the lady in change seems almost put out when I ring or e-mail her and she's basically said that until she knows more there's nothing she can tell me. I've just gotten off the phone to my Father and he's telling me that a court case has been set for next month and myself and my cousins need to be there and have counsel, or it will go against us, he's also telling me that it's almost a given that her will will be turned over in his favour because of some law made in the 50s saying that your children have to be named in the will and blah blah blah. We received a letter from the public trust about a month ago saying that my father had notified them of his intent to make a claim and when he actually made a claim they would notify us. So it stands to reason that this court case has come as a complete surprise. It' seems pretty unfair that we have to drop everything with 3 weeks notice, get a lawyer and rush down the line when the public trust haven't even notified us that he's even made a claim yet. Does this seem likely or is my Father trying to pull the wool? Because he's her son is it highly likely that his claim will be granted as he's telling us? Would the courts really suddenly call a meeting in three weeks and if we don't show it'll go against us? (especially since I start calving in two weeks and both my cousins run businesses in Australia and we can't just drop everything)
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