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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. OMG that is just terrible, our thoughts are with all of the people down there. Take care guys
  2. Being so far from cities certainly has it downfalls and being unable to pop into town for a quick squizz is one of them. I was just wondering, in the pet shops with the large banks of tanks, do they have automatic water change set ups on them? I'd imagine that doing individual water changes would take up a lot of valuable time. And do you think it's possible that there are people out there that would set up a bank like that for new shops as I would guess that it would be quite a tricky process. We've tried ringing a few pet shops and they arn't very forth coming with their infomation for one reason or another. Thanks in advance.
  3. Carlos & Siran


    that is a fantastic egg cup, where do you get them from, kids would love them. BTW, I love eggs, soft boiled for breakfast is best
  4. yup, you'll have to pull it all apart and rinse all the noddles and such in tank water, replace the filter wool with new(or even better, use the wool from and already active filter) all the bacteria will have died and will poison the tank now if you just start using it again.
  5. Badis badis or Dario dario.
  6. Hehe, I've been re-reading David Edding's stuff for 20 years now, I'm half way through Queen of Sorcery ATM. I know he's predictable and there's plot holes the size of Africa, he rehashes the same plot over and over but I like it dammit, Silk is still my all time favorite character, he's one devious little man.
  7. I did try wizards first rule a long time ago but it didn't grab me, but I'm notoriously picky when it comes to fantasy novels. My Favorite is Katherine Kerr's Devery series.
  8. Nar, it was just the play sand they source locally, same colour as all the beaches up here.
  9. Here is a pic of one of our Blue mystery snails, they are cool and growing so well.
  10. We started this tank the same day as the South American tank but it certainly didn't look as nice, all the plants were small to begin with and I think because we used play sand as the substrate and the root systems couldn't get down to the daltons at first the whole tank really sulked, but about 6 weeks later and it's starting to come around. Tank dimensions: 83cm long x 45cm high x 42cm deep Substrate: Daltons aqua base with fine play sand. Decorations: Driftwood Plants: several Crypt species x 12 several Java species x 12 Twisted Val x 6 Ambulia x 10 Hygrophila x 10 Still to come: Red tiger lotus Lighting: ! x T8 Aquaglo 1 x T8 Powerglo 1 x T8 Tropical pink tube Filtration: 1 x Standard 2000lph trickle filter 1 x Eheim 2215 external(620lph) Stock: 5 x Cherry barbs to come on Friday Still to come: 7 x Cherry barbs 3 x Yoyo loaches 3 x Zodiac loaches 3 x Zebra loaches 1 x Peacock spiny eel 1 x Siamese algae eater Current lighting frequency and fert program: Lighting-currently 7 hrs per day, will watch algae and drop back if it becomes a problem. Fert- 5mls flourish/week Other- 20mls StressZyme/week Will add DIY CO2 in the next few weeks, and hope to change to canister CO2 when we can afford it. Will use the fert program Jenifer and 44 use as soon as the tank matures. Comments and constructive criticism welcome.
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