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Carlos & Siran

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Everything posted by Carlos & Siran

  1. get a tea light burner and buy some sage and or peppermint oil, mix a couple drops of one or the other in water in the tea light burner. Or you can just burn sage leaves. I like the peppermint oil myself as it smells nice and the flies keep well away.
  2. Something 12 gauged and double barreled? :bounce:
  3. Hi Kinbote and welcome to FNZAS. We're currently in the process off creating a South American biotope as well. 44, is it possible to have a heavily planted but fully black water tank? What I mean is using peat to get that real brown look.
  4. We've received this email several times over the years, I decided to see if there was any truth in it, the first thing I saw on Google was "HOAX" and I thought, aha, that wouldn't surprise me, you can't believe anything on the internet but to my amazement it's all true, these people really do still do this. As far as I can work out it's a tradition that dates back hundreds of years and I guess in a way you can forgive their ancestors, it was their way and at the end of the day they needed to eat, but come on, they really don't have that excuse any more, not with KFC and McDonalds just up the road. Horrifying, brutal and immensely irresponsible seems to sum this tradition up fairly well. WARNING.........GRAPHIC PICTURES, DO NOT CLICK LINK IF YOU'RE EASILY OFFENDED. http://www.hoax-slayer.com/denmark-whaling.shtml
  5. When love come's to town-U2 feat B B King
  6. I named my big boy Cody, and Carlos and I named our other three boys Connagh, Shea and Devyn.
  7. Siran found this cool site which we've found very helpful when creating biotopes. Many of them aren't on the allowed list so it's just a matter of checking which are and which aren't. Enjoy....http://www.tropica.com/plants/origin.aspx
  8. Bug - James Reyne sorry can't find a youtube thingy but here's reckless....cool song too
  9. We have bought both the HPM 24 hour timer and Elto 24 hour timer from Mitre 10 at just over $6.00 each and haven't had a problem yet with them. Touch wood.
  10. We're in Okaihau and we have a number of tanks, not too many though. This is from another thread: 1 x Ar126 (currently planted, no fish) 2 x Ar380s(one empty, son's got one) 1 x Ar620(hospital /quarantine.......hopeful Congo biotope with lone Elephant nose fish when we've fully stocked other tanks) 1 x Ar850(east Asian biotope) 1 x Ar120(Amazon biotope) 1 x Sunsun 3ftr(Terrarium....3 green and golden bells) We may also look at turning a trough into a little pond at some point that is in the garden where we are.
  11. G'day boss, nice to see another fellow Northlander join up
  12. 1 x Ar126 (currently planted, no fish) 2 x Ar380s(one empty, son's got one) 1 x Ar620(hospital /quarantine.......hopeful Congo biotope with lone Elephant nose fish when we've fully stocked other tanks) 1 x Ar850(east Asian biotope) 1 x Ar120(Amazon biotope) 1 x Sunsun 3ftr(Terrarium....3 green and golden bells)
  13. I crack up at the auto bids where there's 5 or 6 bids one after another all from the same bidder...
  14. we found the black kuhlis weren't quite as bad as the striped ones.
  15. Tiger barbs are nasty boisterous little shites in my opinion, shy little kuhlis will stay in constant hiding if they have them as their only tank mates. A couple nice dwarf chiclids(rams are prolly your best bet) would be much better tank mates......I may be wrong about the tiger barbs but I hate em...... How about a couple zodiac loaches?
  16. Just wondering, do you think finely crushed scoria would be an OK aquarium substrate? as they say the substrate for east Asian biotope needs to be red, seems like a cheap alternative...
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