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Everything posted by fishbreeder

  1. i jsut read that they will try to swim up the filter intake pipe. i have an aquaone tank with a filter intake pipe that goes right to the bottom. would they try and swim up that? is there anything else that would stir up the sand?? what is a good fish that would eat the algae off the side (not a bristlenose please!) thanks heaps
  2. how big do they get? easy to look after? what do they eat? how deep do they like the sand?? how many is okay to have in a 2 foot tank?
  3. i would like a fish that burrows into and under sand, i want to get silca sand for my tank but would like a fish that would make the sand its home. must be compatiable with female fighting fish. any ideas?? adn freshwater too.
  4. dont have a tank that will house discus at moment, was just asking. i know what dropsy is, i was just meaning that my girls are friendly and nice, some fighter girls are aggressive. my CT girl is a bit sometimes, but the Vts are calm.
  5. they are two days old today. but not sinking. j ust flitting round the surface.
  6. they are not hanging down any more, they are horizontal lying just beneath the surface. does that mean i can take dad out. he is pretty isnt he. counted and i got about 50. so thats good i guess, so far. thanks for uploading them for me, i love the close up with the fry and bubbles. awesome
  7. i dont breed discus, but saw a LOVELY blue one at local pet store and thought it would be awesome. a person on Trademe told me no they not compatiable , so i thought id ask on here. my girls (bettas) are not too bad, dont fight over food or anything.
  8. ally what colour is your sand?? do you have any plants in it too??
  9. i took some AWESOME pics of tails hanging out of the nest and a close up. how do i upload pictures to here. i still cant figure that out.
  10. my hubby has an idea, not sure if it would work could you get another male to look after the eggs or would he eat them coz they not his? he also wonders if i could get my boy who blows MASSIVE nest to blow one then remove him and put in another male who isnt so great with nests. would he use the current nest??
  11. the dad is a blue VT with a tinge of red on the front fins. the mum is a red (she hasnt showed full colour yet) i think, her fins are red. i have a red with blue male and a blue with red male, a white and red male and a red male that we are gonna breed from. girls are red, some with blue, one white and red. and one red CT. babies are cute. thanks
  12. thats the best idea ive heard, we live near the beach. so i will collect some tomorrow. thanks :lol:
  13. hes doing well i think, constantly getting them off the bottom, chasing the ones who think they can free swim all the way to the other side of the spawning tank. im in awe of him, hes amazing, id be tired by now and going oh well ur gonna sink, thats ur problem. i have 5 females in total and 5 males. so thinking about breeding lots when my other 4 boys grow up. hubby thinks its a good fish to breed and doesnt mind having LOTS of tanks and filling up the caravan with breeding tanks and growing out tanks. yippie, the tails are so cute hanging down.
  14. im guessing they are NZ ones, coz the pet shop owner gave them to be in a little sealable container. not in packaging like the ones on TRADEME. ive jst bought some decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, hopefully ill get them next week. ill get my brine shrimp up hatching tomorrow when i get some rock salt. i read that i need to put salt in the water. do i HAVE to?? thanks
  15. hey ally, we have fry hatched this morning looks to be about 100 at least, seem to be tails everywhere. and one VERY VERY clever little fish seems to be free swimming already. its keeps going horizontal and swimming like made to the other corner and poor dad goes AHHHHH come back and chases it and puts it back, turns round to collect those on the bottom and it runs off again. PMSL. i feel for the male. hes a great dad. hopefully most live.
  16. thanks, where do i buy indian fern?
  17. pet shop doesnt have it, he said to use egg yolk. gonna make sure i have everything for next time in three weeks.
  18. i had a net in hand to remove her from tank, when i saw them spawning. taken by suprise!
  19. what do you mean by "brine shrimp nuplii" ?? i have brine shrimp eggs i was gonna hatch is that what u mean? the guy at pet shop gave it to me to hatch. if my pet shop dont have liquafry, what else caN I FEED in three days time? thanks i kinda didnt expect them to spawn when they did, it was her last day in there id kinda given up on them.
  20. my fry just hatched this morning. when do they start being freeswimming?
  21. ive just read that too many brine shrimp cause swimbladder diease. i havent made my microworm culture yet. im doing it today, i thought id have more time. how long do they take to grow? can i feed bloodworms to freeswimming fry? hubby thought maybe puree them. would that work?? thanks
  22. ive got FRY!!! wooohoooo. they look so awesome, they look like tiny tadpoles. my boy had orignally had 90% of the eggs under a leaf, then moved them out to the nest, then last night he moved them all back to the leaf and they are under there now. must be about 100 easy. hope heaps live. they look cool and not all sinking either. some fall a few cms then swim back to the top. thats good. poor dad fish looks frazzled. he will be glad when he comes out. when do i take him out and when do i feed them brineshrimp,bloodworms and microworms?
  23. i looked up indian fern adn it doesnt say its a floating plant, says to plant in soil. am i wrong. i would like a nice little plant that floats on the surface for my bettas to blow nests into, that has root system etc and then my fry can eat the little bugs around that. help? definitly getting a lotus for my girls tank. thinking about a HUGE pond, its lovely
  24. do you have other plants in there with it? what types? glosso wouldnt like it would it ? coz it would be blocking the glossos light. thanks
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