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Everything posted by Dave+Amy

  1. WHY would you BUY them??
  2. Don't think he'd mind so long that you pay him for the materials, think our planter box cost us $30 in materials and it's about 5foot long - saw them retailing for over a $100 at local gardening places
  3. Haha you'd love my Angel grow out tank...HEAPS of giant fat trumpet snails :evil: hate them to pieces
  4. ...makes me want to steal his Discus...
  5. Hey Mystic - might pop to take a cutting around once we have our little vege planter box garden set up we're trying to go healthy but it's taking a while lol Dave's brother built it for us saving us heaps of money
  6. why would you waste vodka on neons?? I find the 'dig a small hole and a bash with a rock' trick quick and easy, or the freezer trick which puts them to sleep with a bit of water in the bag
  7. which brand? Eheim? Fluval? they're good brand heaters and can last ages
  8. wow are her eyes really blue (or just reflection)? it's gorgeous against the brown fur!
  9. I find I have to turn my Discus tank up a couple of degrees over winter - just because I do frequent waterchanges and can't always guanrantee the temp to be the same, and less strain on the heaters
  10. So tough love it is then? since we don't have any of those plants you mentioned Mincie - could we get away with buying say a Mesclun mix? Or do you think we NEED to buy some seedlings and grow some? It does worry us because he starves himself for quite a long time for food he likes and he get skinny (maybe it's just us), especially since he's still quite young. It WOULD save us a lot of money if we could get him onto veges..the last bill from that insect place from up in Aucks was huge and didn't even last long
  11. JEALOUS are you constantly on the look out and just buy things in anticipation though? and hoard it until you decide to set up another tank?
  12. haha Ron only the early birds get the worms!
  13. pahahaha..Phoenix THAT is what I'd expect from those guys who do Ag lol remember them wrecking havoc back in first year - had some of our bond taken 'cos they threw a huge party and ripped out the telephone wiring
  14. usually driftwood lowers pH but most fish especially Neons which are from S. America will love a lower pH anyway
  15. definately love that pic of your CT flaring
  16. whetu - Man I would've kept the fish and upgraded to a bigger tank lol
  17. Think you can't get any laid back than BSc's....shame about the no jandle rule I'll actually have to go buy some shoes :lol: :lol: I'd hate to go to an Architechture or Law graduation...my mates in that arena sure don't wear anything under a price threshold :roll: don't see the point wearing a $300 top to uni to impress guys since guys don't have a clue on woman clothing brands lol
  18. doesn't touch mealworms, definately won't touch veges and only licks cut up grapes, will take crickets when he hasn't been offered waxworms for a while, used to LOVE locusts when we used to breed them, takes unconcious roaches, doesn't touch slaters but does love the occasion tunnelweb... Dave used to take the lid off all off each of the containers with buy=gs and just let Tequila pick where he wants to eat from :-? guess that's why he's so picky, we even thought about getting a 2nd beardy to enourage feeding and make him less picky
  19. When they arrived the Turq was the biggest and then all of a sudden the SS just rocketed - growth spurt and the patterns are becoming more vivid! still waiting on your PE's Rons :bounce:
  20. so you think I should go a little bit overboard then? I'm looking forward to my grad next year lol us BSc students might walk across the stage in jandles lol
  21. It's David's fault - he spoiled Tequila from the moment we got him, he won't eat anything when he knows we have waxworms. And I get left with the baby chasing duties when he's busy with uni..trust me it takes AGES and a few waxworms to get one mealworm down him...I wish I had the heart to starve him
  22. but the BCA side of Vic are very well dressed people in comparison to the BSc side lol I don't want to make Dave look bad!
  23. I'm not graduating this year but David is on this thursday night I'm not too sure what to wear to the ceremony but I'm aware of the need to look good for photos lol. I've got a hairdresser's appointment to get my hair done up and thinking about wearing a formal knee length dress. What do people wear to graduation ceremonies? What are the expectations? I don't want to go under dressed but at the same time I don't want to be overly dressed either
  24. you should take out the lone tetra and go for gold breeding those ottos they don't come cheap in the petshops
  25. Hey welcome! there's quite a few of us in the Wgtn region which you'll find that most people would know each other especially when you join a local club :bounce:
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