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Everything posted by Dave+Amy

  1. haha I swear they're eating me into the poor house, the local supermarket hasn't had beef hearts in a lONG time have been buying Discus Tucker from the petshops for them, prefer to make my own
  2. worth every cent the little munchkin Ron - I ALWAYS find ways to fund my Discus addiction
  3. got a good pic of Dave and me from his grad: and lmsmith - it was DAM cold that night, but very enjoyable especially the wines at the end lol
  4. what do you want a young possum for?? as a pet?
  5. haha Midori's got a full wardrobe already from when I was younger and brainwashed by the lady who sold Midori to me convincing me that Midori needed clothing for the winter. I swear if I had saved all the fur I ever got off her I could have knitted myself a sable jersey
  6. It's almost three months since these little beauties arrived at my door step, all have healthy apeptites and VERY competitive during feeding time. They all wait by the Java ferns when I open the hood to feed them every morning and night. Here's the snakeskin when he/she arrived: about 7cm Snakeskin now: 10cm My pigeon: 8cm My Turq: 9cm
  7. after work today I decided my little one was getting too fluffy for my liking so I decided to give her a haircut myself saving a trip to the Doggy groomers and savings $60 :bounce: :bounce: stoked! Here's a pic of the Midori next to the hair I cut off her: Now I'm thinking about investing in a pair of Dog hair clippers even though they're around $200 each but that's only 4 haircuts and I break even
  8. I don't like Angels and Demons...the book was WAY better
  9. haha have to agree with you on that one, they either guilt trip you into buying something or make you think it's absolutely necessary
  10. thanks for that I'll have to add Cash Converters onto my list of frequently-to-visit stores now I think
  11. also wouldn't the place you collect the pummice from affect it? if it was fom the beach it would be cleaner than say Rotorua/Lake taupo? Just reading up on how to design an African setup now
  12. Have you tried boiling? Could I just boil the stuff out of them?
  13. we were encouraged by the petshop to buy a vibrating dish if we wanted to feed dried foods
  14. I would have never thought that Cash Converters had Aquarium stuff and you can haggle with them too??
  15. My tank is only 280L +/- Ryan - how would I go about acclimatizing? I don't have any spare tanks available. I'd love to collect some big pummice pieces etc to decorate, some big shells, maybe chuck in my Albatross skull to decorate too. Not having any plants. Or at the most tie some of my anubias to some of the decorations in there. I'd love a tank that I didn't have to do waterchanges everyday for And if my tank's already cycled but I'm changing the pH dramatically would I have to re-cycle? I don't know much about Africans - only just started to look at them
  16. I have a theory - it's because he KNOWS his food's always going to be there but if he felt he had to compete for food maybe he'll be faster at gobbling it down..maybe I should print out a cardboard beardy to bring out to scare him at mealtimes
  17. haha so you wouldn't use 42 Below?
  18. If anyone with Mod capabilities can move this into the Cichlid section would be awesome... How do you keep the pH up? And what sorts of things can I stick in an African display? Can could I still have GBAs for glass cleaning duties since they're more used to lower pHs? And most importantly - how many fish, which species can I have in a tank that small?
  19. haha at least you won't have a snail problem...EVER
  20. I'd do that IF I had my own house...but I'm at the mercy of my mum :-? She still thinks the terrarium's not heated (she'll up the board if only she found out...) I remember when I was in standard 3 (7years old) I was stoked 'cos I got a 60L tank from a garage sale for $5 - sweet condition, came with gravel and all! Mum and dad had no idea I was over the road bargaining with the people lol
  21. Maybe we need to bring Tequila on a roadtrip and yours can show Tequila what he SHOULD be doing lol No worried Mystic I'll try my best (even if I told him I wanted a second planter box lol white lies never hurt anyone)
  22. Yup - will take photo tomorrow morning when there's light and if he won't do it for free then we could sell you ours for the material cost and get him to build us another one lol David saud he'll ask Kyle tomorrow. Ours haven't been used yet
  23. also - would investing in a vibrating dish help with feeding veges? especially with grated carrot pieces jiggling might trick him into thinking they're insects?
  24. I originally bought 8 Angels for a theme for the 280L Species tank in my room - BUT after looking at a few African setups I have been left craving for a small African setup. Is it a lot of work to set up and maintain an African tank? Can I combine my Angels with the Discus if I worm them on a bimonthly basis? Or should I get rid of my Angels? (I've grown quite attached to my Angels had them since they were the size of 50cent coins) Not sure whether this should go to the Cichlid section or not. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
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