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Everything posted by Dave+Amy

  1. multiple boys showering dave spends 30mins alone in the shower...it's not even like they have to condition their hair etc BUT wow that would suck to be on metered water...
  2. the logic being high glucose levels in the uterus kills female embryos shortly after fert...so high alkaline = high glucose = boy same research done on rhinos...
  3. wow is it just my comp monitor or is your tank really purple? :-?
  4. ..once I get my hands on some Ox heart I'll change this recipe a bit, I'll use fish flake food as a binder instead of the agar stuff that way I won't have to cook it and get my little mitts on some muscles.. I wonder if freezer burn seafood is still alright for fish to eat? 'Cos I know I can get a lot of really cheap freezer burnt seafood
  5. go with bigger tetras...once your angels get big your smaller fish will disappear - had a horrible tank sitting job a couple of years ago where the owners (fam friends) thought I killed off all their neons they didn't believe it was the Angels
  6. I think for now a cheaper pair would suit me better seeing that I do sometimes get lazy and just book her in with her groomers, and the groomers adore her! Shearing scissors? - that sounds a bit heavy duty and scarey lol She's used to standing still - she's been getting groomed from the tender age of 6months..hairy little beast from the beginning. Yeah it's just IMPOSSIBLE if we don't get her groomed, her hair gets gathered everywhere - like when you sit down on a couch you'll end up with your bum covered with fur!
  7. Dave+Amy

    Tank makeover

    yeah some meds are harsh on the plants
  8. but I don't want breeding Discus :-? cannot imagine how much trouble it would cause in that tank and how I would have to do EVEN more waterchanges I can't see mum letting my drill holes to attach metal halides she hates my tank enough as it is, besides don't think I could afford Metal Halides right now - might have to quit work soon 'cos uni's getting too hectic there goes all my fish allowance
  9. Yeah my homemade tucker is raw as well that's why I'm surprised this recipe wants the user to cook it, thanks Tanya
  10. I'm worried that it would grow too big - what do they max out at? so far it takes up 2/3 of my tank height. my Electric Dream discus has already started living in it there seems to be enough food scraps trapped within/around the plant to keep that discus there all day
  11. what do you use Majik? I thought Discus diets have to contain at least 50% protein? I've never added liver or white fish before - I've added salmon once and they seemed to enjoy it
  12. LyndyLoo - I got rid of all my cardinals and just kept my 'housekeeping' fish for the ease of feeding, it got pretty dirty when I had to feed flake on top of everything. And your tubiflex is coming your way I'm actually thinking of ripping out that giant sword (not quite sure what it is Ozelot?) to make more room in the tank and just spread out the dwarf sags along the background. What do people think of that?
  13. I only feed Discus tucker at the most every third day, I understand it's quite 'fatty' but people overseas swear by Discus tucker as staple and how they get their 15cm Discus :-? but yeah it is messy - how much do you feed at a time? I have 7 Discus in my tank feed only 4 cubes each time, those 4 cubes are further cut into quarters and I only drop them in the front where I siphon the most. BUT I make sure I always do a thorough after every feeding of Discus tucker by the way LyndyLoo I have your Tubiflex all packaged up with the sticker on it, do I just ring up the courier company and they'll pick it up or do I drop it off at their depot?
  14. I know I think I've finally figured out what makes the sag tick lol I've added more gravel around them so they stay firmly planted and I've hid 2 fet balls among them Yeah that brown one is the big boss of the tank, flies across the tank to smash into the others if he sees them with food
  15. Fine Phoenix due to your begging (probably wanting to check up on your dwarf sag lol), I could only find my horrible little camera so the quality isn't that good and I couldn't fit the whole tank in so I took a few from diff angles to give you guys the gist: Here's tank shot with lights off: Tank shot with lights on: Left side of the tank: Right side of the tank:
  16. I've been using an old recipe which doesn't require cooking but recently came across this on http://www.rockymountaindiscus.com/Disc ... recipe.htm : THE INGREDIENTS 3 pounds beef heart - cleaned & defatted & trimmed 2 pounds raw shrimp - peeled 1 pound white fish 1 pound liver (we use beef) - trimmed & rinsed well and soaked in very hot water 3 minutes 2 pounds frozen plankton - thawed, or 6 ounces freeze dried - well rinsed 2 boxes frozen spinach- steamed lightly 1 box peas- steamed lightly Note: It is best to obtain organic beef products that are raised free of bovine growth hormone (BGH) and antibiotics. Run all ingredients through a food processor. When everything is processed mix well in a large bowl. Add the following: They may be obtained at your local health food store. 6 raw egg yolks , 1/3 cup kelp powder (a seaweed) , 1/4 cup brewers yeast , 1/2 cup wheat germ and 1 tablespoons spirulina powder. One tablespoon vitamin c powder. Mix thoroughly. THE BINDER: At the health food store get some agar powder. Not the stringy stuff, not the pellets. Get the powder. The eggs and shrimp in the discus food recipe also help bind the food. Stir in 30 grams of agar agar. Mix well. To activate the agar binding we will heat gently in the oven. Set the oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit (warm setting). Line cookie sheets with wax paper. This makes it go much easier later on. Smooth the food onto the wax paper lined cookie sheets around 1/2 inch thick. You will use several pans. Place the sheet in the oven for 20 minutes. Next cool the pans. Place them in the freezer. When frozen remove and cut into blocks. Store the blocks in high quality freezer bags. We've come this far- so why skimp now? The blocks can be precut into cubes if desired. Four ounce or eight ounce portions can be made with dewormer or desired medication if needed. Does anyone else cook their Discus tucker? Wouldn't cooking the tucker make it lose it's nutrient?
  17. I had a bad BBA outbreak last year not keen for another one just yet, I've been more than careful and never had problems with nitrites or nitrates
  18. I have to gravel vac along with the wc, I don't want to risk a phosphate spike if I left uneaten food bits in there
  19. lol yeah you can tell my inexperience with guns
  20. I have two external filters as it is on my 450L tank - one Fluval doing 400L/H and one doing 2000L/H. But with Discus they can become stunted due to other Discus releasing hormones supressing each other's growth and I feed heavily so I have to siphon heavily lol if I get too busy with uni then it becomes 70% every two nights. I can tell the diff in my Discus' appearance when I get slack - they tend to go darker but after the WC they're much brighter in colour and Dave thinks I have OCD it's like I HAVE to do a WC most nights otherwise I feel bad
  21. but its little hand's doing a pumping action
  22. Thanks Flosty - I have days when I've contemplated about going barebottom tank for them (and the ase for me lol) to get the best growth, but I can't bring myself to rip my tank apart! I think the only bad thing about having pigeon blood line Discus is that peppering in planted tanks, yours are looking really good and clean! JEALOUS AtomicHotdog - there is an old pic of my tank under the Freshwater section, haven't uploaded what it looks like now, I'll try to tonight if I get some time.
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