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Everything posted by RochelleMay

  1. My dads female had a very similar thing. We dont think it was dropsy as her scales werent sticking out etc. But she was fine for weeks just thought she was egg bound but then unfortunatly she got more and mroe lethargic and bloated and passed away. Then I hate to say it but all the fighters in his tank got the same thing with this bulge he tried everything HFF told him to but couldn't save any and all of his other fish are perfectly fine. :-? Goodluck with it, shes very pretty.
  2. Oh wait I just re-read that and they stayed with you at blenheim and you went up the next day. Got it never mind
  3. Very cool pictures and the cutest dog. I grew up at Lake Rotoiti and I can tell you it never snowed when I was there just lots and lots of hail. Many years ago. Where abouts do they stay at the lake? We now use my old house as our batch although havent been down in a while
  4. You could get the old Iphone from Parallel imported for a wee while for about $900 but you still had to "jailbreak" it. Not sure if theyll do that anymroe though since the actual new iphone is out.
  5. Wow very very cool. I would love discus but I already have plenty of fish in my tank. :lol: I am very impressed keep upthe great work
  6. Wow very cool. We got a baby golden bristle nose and it is so huge now.
  7. Similar to this my partner smokes and I do occasionally, although we all know its bad for us. It is also semi rubbed in our faces if you do decide to give up with every bus stop telling us how bad it is, its a rebelious mind set. So its not good for me but im going to do it anyways. Any yeah the pictures on the back of the smokes arent the prettiest "poor person". But aswell there are some photos that are not that bad, I hate the mouth cancer one but all the others I can deal with and are not that distrubing. And However we do not soke inside at all cause it makes the ceiling yellow and the smell linger, I do agree with not smoking insode bars and resterants also cause its up to the indivdual and its unfair to put a non smoker into a smokers resterant. But however like 1/2ways good said you do have to be in the right pkace to give up.
  8. That is a little bit disturbing. Poor fish imagine if we dyed the people who did that to the fish.
  9. I recently got ridc of my acer. was good at the time but found it too lag alot with everything even when it was new. Now I have an HP andits the best thing out, its small, lightweight and It goes with me everyday to uni. its even smaller than my huge course books. Also my partner has a toshiba which is good, very chunky though and he had problems with his internal wireless connection to begin with but after it being fixed then still not working and now renewed its working fine and he loves it.
  10. Looks identical to a chainloach that my brother just brought. So possibly?
  11. Mucus layer? ha It was like an oil splat almost not the usual fish sheen
  12. Splosh was fine this morning still a bit lethargic. However I popped out for half an hour to go get medication but it was too late. Came home to a not so vibrant red splosh on his side and when i scopped him out hoping he would flutter a little bit to put him in the hospital tank it was just obviously too late not even a little bit of hope I dont think I wanna replace him at all cause he was too cool. Hopefully all my other fish are ok too and dont get whatever it was. It may have been just fighters cause I had recently been looking after my dads female fighter due to it having a fight in his tank and she was all better and then went back to his tank and she passed away also.
  13. Definatly Hollywood, and Animates can be good depending on the day and who serves you. I have recently been going to Albany and unfortunatly I dont know her name but shes really nice and has her own marine tank and loves fish and is very helpful. Even puts up with me being indesicive and asking many questions. Otherwise for Animates dont bother going to silverdale they have all about 5tanks with fish the rest are empty and yesterday they had 4dead fish that i could find.
  14. Yeah I've always had fish and my partner has always had them to and now we have my Dad and brother hooked having there own huge tanks. And we all like real different fish Dad likes schooling little fish, Brother is just getting started and seems to like Bolivian Rams so far and we have mix if fish cause its shared 4ft each. :lol: Its always fun going to check out to see what the other tanks are up to if im ever bored of ours or am tempted to go buy some more fish.
  15. Argh i am not sure if he will even make it the night. Hope so and then first thing in the morning to the LFS to get whatever it is to try help him.
  16. Hey, My male fighter (splosh) is sick. He has inflammed gills, an oil looking sheen/residue over the torso over his body, and for the last couple weeks he has had a white almost hole in his head which i thought was from him having a nip at my females the same day. He is lifeless and just staying in the corner coming up occasionally for air and if i i put my hand up to the glass he'll turn fine again and swim around for 5 or so minutes then back to his corner. I have currently been using melafix as he has some nips taken out of his tail from my females and they looked like it was getting better but now they have turned clear. Could he have some bacterial infection due to this? argh I dont know I have googled but he has lots of symptoms of different Betta diseases and Hes gone down hill so fast. Also my hospital tank has currently been loaned out so i cant really take him out of the tank. Please help me and my poor beautiful red Splosh.
  17. Hey yeah link worked perfect thanks. I did search the proper spelling for it but when i wrote it in the subject I really didnt even think of spelling lol. Anyother previous experiences with this fish? I have read that they are really rear? not sure if this is true or not either. P.S. I got him a wee buddy and he looks a bit more cheery.
  18. Hey, I recently got ripped off also not from trade me though. I brought a 60inch tele for real cheap off a business that repairs televisions it only last 4days, I phoned and he didnt want to pay me back anymoney as it was my problem i brought it. But thankfully my dad gives him lots and lots of business through his work so he spoke to him and i got all my money back. What i learned from this is. That the disputes tribunal and consumer acts only support you as a consumer if you are buying from a business not from personal sales. ie Trade Me. What ever product you buy even is second hand if brought from a business should last for a certain period of time depending on the product and the amount paid. So unfortunatly you will prob not by covered by either of those but there definatly are other ways to get around this like other people have stated go to police and trade me especially if he has done it a few times. And sorry to hear about it I know what its like having to save being a student and all to.
  19. I have not seen stripes on a male, not saying it cant happen though cause i dont know sorry. But then again neither of my females have stripes like other females ive seen. I have a platnium girl with pink/purple fins and a crowntail girl who is cobalt blue with red through the center of her fins. :lol:
  20. Hey, I recently brought the most beautiful Sydontus Decorus but dont know much about it, neither did the LFS that sold it too me. I have googled and it comes up with some stuff but more about their inhabitance in the wild. When i put him/her in the tank was all cheerful and wanted to come out and play and now has gone all shy and hidding. If someone could please help me out with anything they know about this fish would be grateful. Food, plants, rocks, lighting, other fish hes not capable with etc. Just anything and everything, is appreciated.
  21. That Chemical Romance Band Crazy Frog And yeah just basic genre stuff like rap, real pop teeny bop stuff. But those to are my wosrt make me wanna pull my hair out, scratch my nails on the black board worst bands. or songs
  22. Aww hes so cute. Unfortunatly I already have a puppy whos boisterous enough. I hope you find a home he looks like he'll be a lovely friend.
  23. Im not much of a reader but do like reading autobiographies. Fav one would be Scar Tissue - Anthony Keidis (red hot chili peppers) and my partner has just finished Slash autobiography which he loved so will prob read that one next
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