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Everything posted by RochelleMay

  1. Pretty sure its not damage by other fish, they dont fight at all. The only 2 that sometimes mark their territory are the synodontis but they are fine. And its their eyes that are cloudy and frayed fins. These guys have all been tank mates for the last few months with no tears to fins at all. So pretty sure that isn't the case.
  2. I always try to make sure temp of new water is within a couple of degrees of the tank water. Ill continue to do small water changes. The one I did last night was 40%ish and the one this morning maybe about 30%ish. So If i do 20% each time just to give a water change but not to stress them out? I have been sitting here all day just keeping an eye on them. researching stuff but its so much nicer when its people helping you with their experiences and advice over reading and getting confused
  3. By percentage change or regularity? I did a water change today and last night. They seems to get worse after water changes Could this stress them out more? I do try to put it in gently. Should I try the furan or just leave it? I always get scared about using this kind of stuff.
  4. I put in some slikkaa pads to help cool it down. The heater should be fine its our spare and havent had a problem with it before. But will keep an eye on it. Ok in that case its not white spot it is fin rot from stress. Would furan help? My gouramis synos and plecos are showing no signs of stress its just discus tettras and BGK.
  5. Ok so today I have turned off the heater and put in a few ice cubes in a bag to cool the top half so they have somewhere fresh to go. As it was bordering on 30ish pushing to go higher also going to go get a fan cause the room is so hot so hopefully thatll help.. worth a try. I am going to do another water test see if anything shows up. As my tetras are getting cloudy eyes and ive stopped using flourish a couple days ago so why would it be getting worse.... Unless its the start of dreaded white spot? Ive never had that before. Can someone explain what it looks like? My fish have more fraying fins and cloudy eyes Any help is appreciated, im not sure what is going on they must be under stress from the heat maybe? Argh my poor fishies.
  6. They seem fine this morning, but I only had a quick glance before I had to pop out - so when I get back i'll have another look. It actually was so hot here last night we had all the windows and doors open but still roasting - its so lovely during the day but at night not so much. I guess everyones feeling the same Our pool is at 32deg so that shows how hot it is. I'll maybe turn the heater off during the day today and just keep an eye on the temp since I will be at home. then I can gauge how hot it will stay with the heat and then the heater back on according to that. And actually we have just put a new heater in - due to blowing up my last (i told you its a bad fish weekend ) So am still getting used to the settings on this one, until its just perfect. Hope you all had good sleeps and enjoy the day.
  7. I stopped using flourish cause of the problem it was causing. and am just about to do a water change before bed. Hopefully this will help. Moving the filter etc has helped a bit only a couple of the fish are near the surface not as bad as when all of them were. Fingers crossed the water change helps and hopefully this is the last problem for a wee while.. Thanks.
  8. Tank is 286L.... Water parameters are normal. I have decreased the water level as We have a waterfall filter which Will hopefully break the surface a bit more and create more gas exchange. I also lifted our internal filter closer to the surface to help with this. And added in an extra air stone. Fish we have 2syndontis 2bristle nose 1 BGK 4 Red finned tetras 2 Lace gouramis 1 L066 And 2 Kuhli loaches which I thought had disappeared but just came up for air. Tank has been set up for nearly 2 years with no problems. I started using Flourish which has caused problems with the mucus layering on fish so added salt to help with that. And fish have been so happy today until now. Water parameters are Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 pH 6. - which is normal for this tank.
  9. They are all at the surface breathing for air im guessing this is not normal what could it be? Im about to do a water test. I did put a bit of aqaurium salt in today for my BGK but only maybe 2tspoon for the whole tank.
  10. Ok so did a 50% water change, added in his new cave Which is very cool. And added some salt. He did look to be getting worse so hopefully now it gets better. No more flourish excel. Fingers crossed now
  11. oh kool. I got some API Aquarium salt from HFF Now I will put in some today after my water change. And then when I do my daily water changes do I keep adding some or just the one dose? Sorry about all the questions. Your being very helpful thanks so much
  12. We are also going to buy him a new cave - not that the one he has is small but im sure he would appreciate a bigger one. Do I need to dissolve the salt first?
  13. oh ok. So i've never put salt in my tank, how much should I put in? Will my other fish be ok with it? WHat kind of salt do I use? Thanks so much.
  14. Oh ok. It was used on the top of his cave though. I use the eye dropper thing out of my old testing kit. Ok so did your ghost live?
  15. OK i will completely stopped using flourish and will do daily water changes. Thanks.
  16. It could possibly be flourish I have started using that the last couple weeks. But i just put the smallest amount on the area of concern. With flourish wouldn't it fray the fins first? His fins are fine theres just those patches. Im not sure if thats what Umaga has though? Maybe it is?
  17. Does flourish excel harm fish?? Would it fray their fins a little? I have noticed since using it my tetras and platys fins are slightly fray on the ends.
  18. Ok so its not my night with fish. I was doing a water change and thought I turned off the heater but I didn't flick the switch fully so it was still on. and we all know heaters without water smash. Which is what it did, it cracked I got it all out but I do want to know if there is anything in the heater that may have leaked into my fish tank. .... Ha its just one of those days
  19. So... I thinki t maybe that too. What can I do to heal it faster? Melafix, stress coat, what else? Should I remove what could be scrapping him? In that case he will still need a tunnel so where can I get a nice looking one but without the edges?
  20. I dont think it would be heater burn - I have my driftwood set around it so my discus and Umaga cant get around the back to the heater. That is where the GBA hangs out With heater burn aswell would it have all those white lines spreading off it? I dont have another tank big enough for him to go in and I dont think it is contagious well atleast im hoping not.
  21. Oh also to add... The photo makes it looks super white it is slightly white and then the outter area fades to a greyish white
  22. It is slightly flaking aswell - the photo doesnt reall show it. Mechanical damage ummm could that be his tunnel he is in its ones of those big resin tree hollow things - well actually he takes up 2 of them
  23. Oh please now that I have photos if anyone can help. We dont wanna loose this guy. We brought him spur of the moment one day cause we were concerned ghost knifes as they got older would eat our tetras etc... He was about 10cm and now hes nearly 40cm now and has never hurt a single fish he is so awesome ... His name is Umaga - after his colours ha thanks to my partner
  24. Here are some photos. He also has a patch further down his body nearer his tail.. But this guy is not camera shy at all so when trying to photograph him its always his head area. Ha
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