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Everything posted by RochelleMay

  1. oh ok point proven . lets hope they dont breed then. Another Question. I am really keen on those styrofoam rock backings in the pet store but there are none that fit my tank is their anyway of making your own one. with special products and paint or not really?
  2. Lol not a good thing? how come? I've never really thought about that. Will get pics up once its all set up. I am just cycling it at the moment. Its so exciting
  3. Lol i have no idea what sex the bristlenoses are. My brown one is getting really big and little "blinky" the golden one is still only a wee 3cm. With Ghost knives how fast do they grow? .... I have also adopted a female fighter from my dads tank as for some reason shes been in there for about 6months with no problems but she must have annoyed one of his fish and has been attacked. So shes in a recovery tank now and hopefully once better settles nicely into her new home.
  4. Hey there, For the past year I have had a little 34LTank and have just been given a new tank that is 186Litres. I have 6 Kuhli Laoches 1 Brown Bristlenose Pleco 1 Golden bristlenose pleco 1 Male Siamesee fighting fish 4 Phantom Tetras These will go into my new larger tank but was wondering what other fish would be compatible preferably some different funky ones. I am really keen on getting a Black Ghost Knife or a couple Dwarfe Gouramis. Any help and advice, personal experiences would be great help. Thanks so much
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