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Everything posted by RochelleMay

  1. Oh ok, I think I may have found my problem. My Ammonia is about 8.0 Which is weird because I do a water change every other day and only tested it on tuesday and it was 0. My other water parameters are Nitrate - 0 pH - 6.8 (which it has been for the last few months and is not a problem with the discus as it is stable) Ammonia - 8 Nitrite - .10 So now my problem is what can I do to lower my ammonia so my other fish don't get sick. And to prevent mo from going to fishy heaven? And what would make my ammonia have that bigger spike within 3 days? The tank has been set up for 4 or so months so is all cycled etc and never had any problems. ARGH PLEASE HELP And also how can the ammonia go that high in only
  2. Hey all, Im hoping someone can please help me. We have a discus tank with 5 3cm - 7cm discus in it. Yesterday I noticed our biggest one "Mo" wasn't eating when normally hes the greedy one. Thought it could be cause he was being fussy and wanted his favourite (bloodworms) And have just come home from work and found him resting on a leaf near the top of the tank. Hes very limp, with no real noticable signs of sickness only this all of a sudden. I have placed him in a hospital tank with a heater which is currently on 29/30 and occasionally using the bubble blower thing. What else can I do? I want him to live he is my favourite . I am about to do a water test so will advise of the parameters once I have done that. But any help in advance will be awesome.
  3. And now the auction has been withdrawn.
  4. My Bristlenoses are about 15cmish. And if he wanted to eat fish he would have eaten all of my baby bristlenoses not just the 2. But i do understand that its a risk but all is well at the moment.
  5. I think it also depends on the temperment of the ghostknife. Currently in my tank I have Gouramis, Tetras not sure what kind (they have pinky/red fins) and are about 3cm across? BN, Bolivian and Gold Ram and A Black Ghost Knife. The ghost knife is about 27cmish. And I was told not to get tetras cause he'd eat them but he has not eaten anything only a couple tiny tiny bn's which was expected. I think our tetras are the same size as hatchets ( the ones they have at our lfs) anyways. But then our Black Ghost knife isnt to the book of what he should be like, hes always out in the day and shares his cave with the gold ram and a large GBA.
  6. ummm mine hasnt gotten full yet. I check my water parameters weekly and I was told that it should last approx 2 months depending on how often I do water changes etc... Then so when I spot any nitrate in my test or after 2 months which ever comes first I then Rinse the pouch thing and soak it in I think Salt water in its little tub rinse and put it back in. Thats what I was told by the LFS. I do have the instructions somewhere ha.
  7. I have recently had the same problem with my planted community tank. The little book in my water testing kit says it should be lower than 40, mine was between 10 - 15. LFS recommended I purchase this thing called API Nitra-Zorb which is a rechargable pouch which you put into your filter now my ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are at 0. So that should help if you wanted to add something into your filter. Cause I know I was also doing the daily water changes etc... and that still waasnt working. As far as im aware it also depends on the fish you have and how they survive with the different levels of Nitrate, in our community tank they were fine but in our other tank the fish got slow and lethargic when the ppm was apparent and I also put a NitraZorb in their tank and they are happy again. Hope this helps. Just in my experiences.
  8. Hey all, Just posting on behalf of my dad. He has just had a bad spout of White Spot and lost most of his fish apart from Neons, Rummy Noses and Chinese Algae Eaters. But this afternoon we spotted one of his Neons with a Cotton like String and fluff coming out of his fin area (could be gill area) . I tried to do some research and I thought it could be parasites or worms but the only info on that said it came out of the fishs behind* but Its definatly coming from. I also thought maybe anchor worm? Im not really to sure, and they are really hard to get a photo of as they are so little and fast. What is this? and How do we fix it. He has put in some Melafix and Has white spot cure on hand if need be. Hope you can help him out.
  9. Well peace of mind thanks for that cam. ( I now I stole your thread sorry) Mine are Sae from all the characteristics that you said. But were labelled as Flying Foxes. and about eating algae or not. Mine havent really found the algae yet well one of them has a munches away but the other 2 still have to catch on that they not getting fed unless they eat my algae first lol.
  10. Will FLying foxes eat algae like a true SAE? I was sold 3 flying foxes from Anitmates and was told they was exactly the same but they arent eating my black beard algae. Frankly Im a little annoyed as I wanted specific SAE.
  11. Hey there, I cant help with how to get rid of it or anything sorry But i can add my few cents worth about Algae Bloom. We have a house at Lake Rototiti Just passed Rotorua and for many years no one has been able to swim in the lake. It occoured from having all the boardering trees cut down and now all the farm Debris and manure run straight into the lake. It isnt "bubbling" like you said whenever I saw it, it was just more like tiny lilly leaves everywhere like tinee tiny round circle things. And as for dogs swimming in it our weimerana swam in it constantly as theres no stoping her. And shes alive and well. But for your sake I do hope its not Algae Bloom as that will kill most of your fish and it smells and can take ages to get rid of. Thats just IME though
  12. I have tried to take photos but you cant see anything on them as they just look blurry. We have some water medication which kills the parasite in the water and then also some special food which kills the parasite in the fish if they eat it, but because they are sick they are not eating so that hasnt helped yet. We only have 2 clown loaches left now and I think 1 is only just hanging in there. Dad coulnt bring himself to euthanise any as he had hoped this medication would work alot sooner.
  13. Thanks for all your comments and help. We have lost 3clown loaches so far. Put in the medication from LFS this morning and didnt expect miracles but they clowns seem to be getting worse. Also now the rainbow shark is rubbing against things and white spot is not visible but hes showing the signs of having it. So hopefully we combat it before it gets to him. fingers crossed this stuff starts to kick in. We are still doing daily gravel vacums and water change and temp is it 28.5 - 29 which we did last night so yeah.
  14. Could it be transfered through plants. As coming to think of it yes we brought 2 clown loaches from LFS about 3 weeks ago (just checked docket) but he also put oin Some Java fern that was brought off trade me about 10days ago. Which would it possibly be?
  15. so is it like white spot/ich? as it is on all our fishes and has only happened within the last possibly 12 hours that we have noticed? Or is it something completely different?
  16. Just had a closer look and its on the cories and neons as well. Will do a gravel suck and 50% water change. Fingers crossed they last until the morning.
  17. Hey all, I need some urgent advice please. I have 6clown loaches in a 200L planted tank. and all of them have white spots and fluffy patches semi looks like bubbles on them. In the tank we also have 2 cories, 2 golden algae eaters, a big group of rummy noses and neons, and 1 rainbow shark. I orginally had 4 clown loaches and then about 2 weeks ago added in another 2 from LFS. What should I do? Its only happened to the clown loaches all other fish look fine at the moment. We are just transfering them to a hospital tank now. And only have a couple drops of melafix left so hopefully that doies for the evening and we can go to pet shop tomoro morning. I am posting this on behalf of my dad, so please help him out they are his favourite and the first 4 are a couple years old so getting pretty big.
  18. Wow some of you have an impressive amount of cat fish. We currently have 6 Kuhli Loaches 1 golden bristle nose - Blinky 1 brown bristlenose - Bill 1 rainbow shark - Randal 2 Decorus syndontius (cant spell sorry) Freckles and speckles.
  19. Hey, I have seen some of the pictures and people have coconuts so today whilst shopping I brought one. Now my partner has eaten it all (I dont like coconut) its perfectly halfed but now what do I do? Boil it? DSo i need to take the Whiskery things off it fully? Any feedback is great 8)
  20. I am a beauty therapist and do pedicures all the time anyways so Id be keen for a fish to do half of the job for me. and would possibly be keen to try it as I do have psoriasis but I would feel so sorry for those fish I wouldnt want to put my mouth near someones feet there are so many unkept feet out there so I semi think its unfair letting fish do it.
  21. HOws your fish going?
  22. I must say I have always kept plastic bags in to acclimatize fish completely. And what happens when Your posting a fish in plastic bags sometimes it can be for a couple days if postage is really slow, that means you couldnt do that as the plastic bags will leach and all fish being sent will die. I would tell them to stop talking absolute rubbish!
  23. Cute fish. I have heard a few stories about them being suceptible to lots of fish diseases due to having skin and not actual scales like normal fish? They are soo cool though Very friendly and they have such different personalities. Are you gonna name them all? ha
  24. but however it doesnt explain the bloated look. I didnt ask dad about that. Maybe thats part of it. I could be wrong but hope that helps.
  25. Dad just said he did speak to the HFF guy after his fighter died and he said that it could be due to the decrease in water temp at night as we have a very warm house during day with lots of windows and then at night its super cold and this was dropping tank temp up and down by sometimes 4Degrees at night and aparently fighters arent very good with any regular temp change, now dad has made this insulating box thing to go over at night so there are no temp changes at all. not sure if that was it but it could explain it and why none of the other fish got sick if fighters are weak in this area. :-?
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