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Everything posted by RochelleMay

  1. COngrats. My grandparents reached 59years and then nana passed away and grandad a few years later definatly from a broken heart, she was his world. Oh to be head over heels. :oops:
  2. I currently have a sony ericcsion and i love it no matter how often i drop it it always happens to come back to life. Although nokias are good ive always had nokias this is my first phone that isnt and its true nokias batteries are unreliable after the first yearish.
  3. The worst service macdonalds is at Windsor Park on the North Shore, Everytime we go there we have rude service, and have to wait ages and there chips are soggy like theyve been sitting in oil for hours not fresh and crispy. Once we paid for 2 Large frozen cokes and they gave us a medium and didn't belive that we ordered Large as the pay guy didnt give us a recipt and the manager was so rude and made us pay the difference. So we now never go there. Although my brother works there and brings us home food sometimes. but that incident happened before he started working there.
  4. will putting a feature of white aquarium sand into a 200L tank make the pH too high? Im planning to do this with my tank but maybe not if its going to kill my fish too
  5. thanks. Ive been waiting patiently as it is hard to photo my gouramis and fighter they are really friendly to me and my face and hands but as soon as i put something unusual near the tank they just scatter and hide.
  6. DOes any one have tips for taking photos of my fish tank and close ups of fish in it. Ive got a flash 7mp camera but my photos always seem blurred and i want some real nice close ups of indivdual fish :lol:
  7. When is this club evening? as I am a member but havent heard about it. Maybe im not special enough ha :lol:
  8. With my recent murky tank problem. I just went to LFS farm and got that finer holed sponge for $6 and also have the larger holed sponge on top that came with the filter. So by the time the water goes through my larger holed expensive sponge its already pretty clean its just the cheap sponge underneath that gets cleaned weekly and then replaced atleast monthly cause it is so cheap. The cheap stuff i use is Blue Circle Filter wool in a clear bag with orange label and blue writing. :lol:
  9. Hey, In our tank we have 4 phantoms and they often nip at our fighters tail and also occasionally theyll have wars between them selves and get little rips in their fins, normally heal quickly though. Just our male fighter whos tail hasnt recovered since we got them .
  10. ha no worries Whetu all ideas help. I think im going to put it in two halfs. itll be so much easier like you said :lol:
  11. yes please. my fish tank is 1220mm by 385. Even if its a piece for one half of it. thanks
  12. Hey does anyone know a good glass place on north shore auckland who could make fish tank lid? just as I never got one with my fish tank and not sure where to get one I tried cutting my own glass but made a complete mess of it.
  13. I have just been through a similar thing where I just put a new load of gravel into my tank but it was to heavy for my to lift so asked my brother to do it. and asked him to rinse it all first but he didnt just put it into the tank. And my tank was dirty for about 3 days. I had to clean the filter everyday cause the rubbish/dust that ended up in it was tremendous and also i waited for it to settle and did a big water change 75% on the 4th day and 25% for another 3days and now its so crystal clear. Just letting it cycle and yay get to put my fish in, in a few days it so exciting. :lol:
  14. excuse me not knowing but what do you mean by inert sand? Is it proper aquarium sand? I have already sourced some sand but its still good to know these things for future. :lol:
  15. Your tanks are awesome. I love how you have the sand pathway almost and the smaller grass looking plants. What are these ones called? I think i may have to change my fish tank around and maybe just copy a couple of your ideas sorry. They are just too awesome not to.
  16. RochelleMay


    Where can I get sand from? Ive seen it in a couple of tanks and i would like to make a feature with it. But cant seem to find any.
  17. oh cool thanks for that. its a good easy to understand article on them.
  18. oh do you know what species it is that is specifically freshwater? I have seen them at hollywood fish farm like once but they the actual bumble bee gobies that look like bumble bees lol.
  19. Oh cool, im looking forward to them theyll go so nicely with my kuhli laoches all zipping around and hiding. My oartner said that not many LFS stock them. Is this true? If so where on the north shore may stock some.
  20. Would Red tail black sharks or rainbow sharks be ok? Or even Bunble Bee goobies cause they are oh so cute.
  21. Well there has definatly been no down fall on using it on my tank I have seen positive results. He said use it daily for first 7 days and then weekly after that. He works at a speciallised fish store as well not just a wee pet store. maybe it is bad but havent yet seen it.
  22. Just abit of information that I found out at the LFS the other day. Meafix kills only the bad bacteria and does not affect good bacteria. It should be used daily and can not be over dosed. He said that you could put a bottle into your tank and it would be fine. Although he wouldnt advise it I have been using it for 4days on my Female betta (in a hospital tank) who got attack and was on death row and now shes back to normal just a few teared fins. Amazing stuff. and He told me that I could keep using it regulary on my big tank even if i have no reason to. I have been doing it in my big tank as well as for my poor betta and even the community tank fish are looking healhtier and the colour is the clearest its been in ages.
  23. the black ghost knife, what fish is it able to be kept with?
  24. I have had neons and cardinals before but my siamese fighter is very aggressive and mutilated most of them so i transfered the remaining ones into my dads tank.
  25. Would kissing gouramis be ok in my tank? or just the dwarfe ones?
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