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Everything posted by Heir

  1. Heir

    Black Algae...

    theyre pretty well rooted.... maybe I should try scraping it off...
  2. Heir

    Who set you up?

    I was 6. mum bought me a 10L fishtank. had small goldfish in it. Looking back i dont know how they survived. Also kept bullies and koura growing up. Slowly grew into an obsession I think.
  3. Heir

    My biube!!!

    thats so awesome! I want one 8)
  4. Heir

    Black Algae...

    oohhh the temp will be too cold for them
  5. Heir

    Character Poll

    Mine is my Paradise Fish as evil as he sometimes is, I can pat him and he eats out of my hand.
  6. Heir

    Black Algae...

    Hey team. I've got this black algae growing in my tank... It's smuthering the plants. I increased my snail population which controlled it a little bit, but it's not going anywhere in a hurry. It's really unsightly. I really don't know how to get rid of this, I've tried upping the doseage of florish excell with little to know effect. I can't use, say algaefix because of my shrimps. Any advice?? HELP!
  7. realistically its not suitable for anything.... WCMM don't naturally live in still water ways, they come from mountain streams so they wouldn't be that suited. If anything maybe a leopard fish or two as they do ohk in still water. hope that helps.
  8. it really isn't too bad. just keep up with the 20% water changes weekly and watch nitrate and ammonia levels
  9. how big is your tank? how much is it overstocked :-? and what kind of filtration do you use?? :bounce:
  10. ohhh great pics! i wanna breed leopard fish. but I'm pretty sure my LFS only has males as shes had them for ages and none of them have bred.
  11. ohh interesting topic... how do you sex short finned males and females? we have two females but one of my friends came over and said one looked like a short finned male so just curious?? cheers!
  12. Heir

    Keeping Trout

    ohhh i see. cool cool
  13. I'm a PA :bounce: annnnd like... work at the enquiries desk at a bank not shortland street oh and I model for some designer friends when required. I'd rather just be rich and not work but I think thats almost human nature 2 want that these days!
  14. Well when we made a pond at my aunty's house we used rounded river rocks, as they won't puncture the liner, we just made a few rocks here and there in piles with a few plants then the algae and dirt and what not settled on the bottom and made the black liner look more natural.
  15. Heir

    Keeping Trout

    ohh ohk are they aggressive
  16. Im not sure sorry I just remember being told scallop shells are the best!
  17. scallop shells and similar raise PH as they dissolve.
  18. Heir


    Yeah that's the traditional Maori way isn't it. I heard thats really effective, particularly in Lake Taupo
  19. Heir

    Keeping Trout

    Ohhh thats interesting. pity they're illegal to keep :evil: Did you keep them with Goldfish alanmin4304?? or just in a goldfish pond by themselves..?
  20. Haha yeah for sure! Good day out I don't know how widely spread they are I only know area in Tauranga where I can find them. Good luck and let me know how it goes for you! :bounce:
  21. Heir

    Keeping Trout

    what kind of filtration and water changed did you need??
  22. Catch them, usually found in slow flowing, shallow water. They're really neat I have between 20-30 of them in my tank. :bounce:
  23. Is the pond very big? much room for the goldfish to hide if need be? Keep in mind that Paradise Fish ARE very agressive. My one is alil bit, but not to the point where he's damaging the other fish. So just keep an eye on them would be my only advice :bounce: Hope that helps
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