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Everything posted by Heir

  1. I had an algae problem on an ornament I got given from a friend. The goldfish chewed that up quickly and now its maintained by my shrimps, snails and borneo suckers Though your tank is tropical? Do you have any fish in there that eat algae as part of their diet?
  2. Heir

    Paradise Fish

    Well he gets mosquito larvae, water boatmen (LOVES chasing them) and all those insects, frozen bloodworms as well. How do you sex them??
  3. Heir

    Blue Rams

    They look amazing! What's their Latin name ?
  4. Heir

    Paradise Fish

    Hey guys. Ohk so my Paradise Fish is doing really well. Soooo cute. Loves eating insects, moths, spiders, flys, whatever I put in the tank. Anyway I've noticed his (don't know how to sex him, so I'm just assuming) colours are alot brighter than when I got him. He's only about an inch in length at the moment. I know that they are one of the few fish that can change their colour (lighter or darker). My question is HOW do I get him to be really bright? Anyone got any ideas or had success in the past? Cheers!
  5. Heir


    yeah I know all that. Heaps of rocks and plants. They were eating earth worms, neither seemed to like peas. I have a huge filter and a strong spray bar so the water is well filtered and recycled. The freshwater shrimp are doing great. So I don't know what I could be doing wrong.
  6. Heir

    medication help

    I guess I was lucky. I had one fish that had it so i took him out put him in a bucket with Wunder White Spot cure, Left him there over night, put him back into the tank and its all gone and none of the other fish are affected, though I always keep a close eye on them.
  7. Heir


    i wonder what i keep doing wrong because my koura only seem to die
  8. Thanks for that CrazDevil! They're the native shrimp I caught out of a river lol They're doing really well. Really seem to like it so far. I can't get flake down to them as my minnows, danios, goldfish and paradisefish get it before it sinks lol Think they would probably munch on the small bits the fish miss. Theres abit of algae in the tank which I see them eat. Well from what the store said I don't think they import them, just get them off their suppliers, so if people supply them they can't be as illegal as everyone says. :bounce: I can see how they won't be very popular. I think they're totally awesome but alot of my friends are like.. meh. they're just shrimps.
  9. FYI, there is a list of species that cannot be imported and it's located here. though it's not very detailed. :bounce: http://www.ermanz.govt.nz/no/aboutno/banned.html
  10. Ohk everyone relax im going by what I was told at the LFS. I don't know anything about tropical species or any lists or anything. Don't get angry lol
  11. Just depends what kind of temperatures they can with stand, I dont think they're on the list of species that can't be imported. Could be wrong.
  12. ohhh sounds like a mission. A shop in TGA is trying to get tropical freshwater shrimps imported.
  13. they're native shrimp. probably wouldn't handle higher temps
  14. well its a 400L plus tank and they don't come out much during the day... I'll see how we get on, they like the conditions so if they start dying i'll knw its probably starvation
  15. Ohk I have 30 odd in my tank and I hope I have enough food in there for them. Just a question is there any food on the market for them? that i could get to them without the fish eating :-? The tank grows algae just like every other tank, but I also have two hillstream loaches and various ramhorns and pond snails in there which keep the algae down. Anyone else keep the shrimps??
  16. Heir


    well if its a mission i'll give it a miss. if i could get away with catching and giving away frozen ones i'd be happy with that and would give me something to do
  17. Heir


    you can buy frozen koi as bait... its pretty good snapper seem to like it.
  18. Heir


    hmmm well im not too sure if theyre man made... they are the lakes in bethlehem heights? they have a stream flowing into them and an storm water drain thing at the other end so they arnt landlocked. no idea where it flows to but theres millions of them in there which still comes back to why cant they be frozen - which kills them and used to feed fish ? surely then there would be a market for them and their numbers would decline.
  19. Heir


    because its not really MY pond... its surrounded by huge gardens and the like almost the whole of my suburb have use to it and i could get in HUGE trouble for introducing goldfish! lol not that you knew this of course.
  20. I gave up the crayfish idea as i had one then it died then i got a new one and it died too. I've stuck with freshwater shrimps because they seem to live. I have 30 of the buggers now! real cute to watch them eat algae in the aquarium too...
  21. Heir


    umm ohk just so we're all on the same boat I'm not shipping any, as I realise this is not such a great idea. they should make it legal to catch and freeze them for fish food then someone could set up some commercial thing and the numbers would drop. you can get worms and all sorts frozen but not little fish, as I'm sure some of the species people keep in aquaria would benefit from frozen whole lil fish. just a thought like the few others that float around my head I'm certainly going to continue using them as live food for variety in my fishes diet though, now that they've got the taste for them
  22. Heir


    ohh i dont want to sell them but if anyone wants live feeders for free let me know. My danios, white clouds and paradise fish all have a go at the baby ones too.
  23. Heir


    Ohk I caught like 200 of these in the pond behind my house... Theres MILLIONS of them in there. they are grey and look like guppies. I put some of the larger ones in my tank to get a better idea of what they were. These are illegal but my goldfish LOVE eating the little ones so I presume since they're being destroyed by my fish that I can catch them for live food. My question is can I give these to my friends or anyone else that wants live feeders? They're an unwanted organism so I don't see why not. :bounce:
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