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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I wouldn't bother with such tiny water changes. Bump it up to about 1/3rd otherwise you're just wasting time.
  2. Ira


    That's pretty close to it, about 6 months after I joined.
  3. You should probably start, especially given the horde of zombie raising necromancers that have been running around here lately.
  4. Ooh, another necropost, haha... Might as well post a pic anyway. The small one is a full grown common plec. :slfg:
  5. Can I shoot the dog if it laughs at me?
  6. I haven't found that to be the case with any of mine. So far my CF1200s are far better than any of the fluvals or eheims I've tried. They're probably not OMG BEST FILTER EVER bragworthy like say a $900 Eheim, but mine were all about $120 and over 3 for the last 6 years I've replaced one impeller. And it turned out it didn't really need it replaced anyway.
  7. Ira

    impeller hz

    Huh, I'd have thought the power head would be the difference. But given the option I'd say use the 50hz because we use 50hz power in NZ unlike the US's 60hz.
  8. What kind of venison? Sausages? Steaks? Mince? My suggestion is make it hot and eat it. Or you can use any recipe for cow, but it will be much better.
  9. You can get just about everything in the US. :an!gry
  10. Ira


    There's no real fundamental difference between the two in this case.
  11. Not a thing other than burning electricity. Plants only absorb a tiny amount of UV light, enough that you can safely ignore it. New tubes are like $5. Go get one or throw the fitting in the closet.
  12. Impressive that they'd manage to get through the impeller without getting chopped up. Don't see how it's possible.
  13. It's full of africans, so she probably does. My first suggestion would be to take out the boring africans and put in a couple nice SA/CA cichlids. Maybe a bit more driftwood too.
  14. Good excuse to recycle an old post..."Could be stroke, heart attack, brain tumor, congenital heart arythmia, pulmonary embolism, aneurysm...Or maybe just couldn't take it anymore and drowned himself...."
  15. Ira

    baby octopi!

    I'd want to die before my 30,000 kids finished hatching...
  16. What kind of hybrid are you trying to breed now if you've got an infection on your lips you've caught from your fish's lip? Mermaids? Sicko... :slfg:
  17. I'm still waiting for you to spell it correctly, getting closer. :slfg: Siphoning outside into a bucket and just letting the bucket overflow works well. That way all the substrate collects in the bucket.
  18. No, they're not fertilized before they're dropped. They're dropped. Then, maybe if there's a male around and if he happens to be paying attention then maybe they'll be fertilized.
  19. Yup, not sure about the halfbeak or the sun cat, but I've definitely seen the others available here. And other than the scarlet are pretty common(Common on the scale of uncommon fish)
  20. I don't know about that one, but the plant I have puts up stalks that look sort of like that that grow into new plants.
  21. Because if they're common then they become average looking and boring. Like those ugly stupid discus.
  22. I'd throw all the media from the old filter into the CF1200. I can't find many pictures of it, but it looks like everything should easily fit.
  23. For clearing out greenwater I've had good luck just rubber banding some filter wool around the filter intake. Clogs up fairly quick so you need to rinse it out a couple times a day but cleared up the tanks in a few days. I think it also has the advantage of removing the nutrients from the water that are causing the bloom(Removing the algae) rather than a blackout which leaves it all in the tank.
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