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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Definitely need one with a wider, lower velocity flow. Sounds more like a pond pump or powerhead rather than a "Wavemaker"
  2. Maybe you need some less weak girly plants. My plants are tough manly plants and they just wave peacefully in the current.
  3. Yeah, I'd say that's a good amount of flow. I really don't like the "stagnant" look of many tanks and even lakes, especially big ones, have a bit of current.
  4. Hydrogen, oxygen and silica can all also kill you. But if you put them together in the right proportions you get a fish tank.
  5. Wavemaker! More flow. MORE FLOW! My tank has, ideally, over 8000 LPH of flow in it(For about 20X) and could use more. I
  6. Yeah, that's tannins. I doubt there's going to be much sulphur in it and it's not unusually toxic anyway. Give it a good boiling and wash, which you've done already is good enough. Just throw it in the tank. Don't stress so much.
  7. Have these been demoted from gorilla status?
  8. I find things like that irritating. "Withstand quakes of up to 9.0." From how far away from the epicenter and how deep is it? Magnitude really says little about the actual ground movement that the building is exposed to. My house has survived dozens of earthquakes over 8.5, just none were nearby. I'm not sure buildings are even rated like that. They should be rated in peak grand acceleration that they can withstand. That's the actual stress the building would be exposed to. I can see some nuclear powerplants are rated in Gal, 1000 gal being roughly 1g, 980 to be exact. Appears many reactors in japan are designed to shut down at 400, .4G or less. For reference Fukushima was hit by about .3.-.6g. The chch quake in some places was over 2000 I haven't been able to find any ground acceleration readings for wellington though.
  9. Ira

    What's this?

    Some kind of fungal infection, I've had a handful of various cichlids with something similar. Never got a real ID beyond "Maybe some kinda fungus", "Maybe opportunistic fungus", maybe hexamita or maybe fish TB. I did yank one of the tufts out of one fish's head once and took a picture...
  10. I've always found just rubber banding some filter wool over the filter intake or powerhead intake works well, filters all the green out pretty quickly, just need to rinse it out a couple times a day.
  11. Could have sold them, pickup only.
  12. No, it's like 10K west of Melbourne.
  13. LFS should be able to get you one.
  14. You know they're tiny, right? And you'll have time to buy a good sized tank before they get big?
  15. That's because it's the south island. They all live in mud huts and dig up roots to eat down there. They don't have any kind of communication devices.
  16. I think you should believe Geonet before the news, they're not the ones saying it's a wellington quake. :slfg:
  17. Stupid 6.5 splashed my drink out of the glass all over the desk and then killed the power. Fish tank didn't splash out though.
  18. From what I've read and seen it would appear to be goldfish, cheap food, overfeeding, small water changes and dosing the tank with everything the LFS suggests.
  19. Deep cycle plus the UPS would probably be ideal if you want to go more than an hour or two. But you'd need to figure out how long the battery will last running the heater, since that's what you're apparently most concerned about. Heaters eat a LOT of power.
  20. 2000LPH will be, at best what you get running completely empty. I assume you've given them a good clean including the pipes, impeller chamber, etc? And try running them without any filter wool if you've got it in there, it tends to clog up really quickly and even after cleaning doesn't flow well.
  21. Which sunsun filters do you have? They have a generally fair reputation. Assuming they're the ones in the 1200ish LPH range I'd say going to a single 2700 UV would be a minor upgrade at best, UV is pretty useless unless you have greenwater and you'd be losing redundancy which might, in fact, make it an overall downgrade.
  22. No, No that is NOT ok. There is something wrong with you.
  23. Pretty good rolling here.
  24. I don't think the top there is meant to be airtight. It's basically just a cosmetic cover that could be eliminated if you adjusted the intake pipe a bit. As for that empty area on the top I suspect the powerhead mold is shared with the 2313 which has a heater in that area.
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