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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Some people say you should have the heater at an angle or horizontal so the warmed water isn't convecting over the heater leading to false readings. But IMO as long as you have even the slightest current it's not significant compared to putting it somewhere convenient and hidden.
  2. No. Yes. Possibly, you only need to add something to neutralize chlorine/chloramine if your water has it. Anything else is usually a waste of money.
  3. Called hysteresis. The difference between the on point and the off point basically. You can get setups that will have none, but it requires more complicated control circuitry, remote sensors, etc... IMO keeping temperature stable within plus or minus 1 degree is heaps. Fish in the wild would see that naturally just between different depths in a river/pond/lake. They're not that sensitive.
  4. Same anal fin as the females. And what appears to be a badly bitten tail.
  5. I'm not sure that's accurate. Many people have very stagnant tanks without anywhere near that amount of fungal growth. If the filter clogging was the only thing that changed I'm inclined to say that it just means beforehand it was breaking up and filtering out the fungus caused by a huge amount of rotting food. Just making it not so blatantly obvious.
  6. I've never bought one, most longtime fishkeepers have stacks of them piled in the shed somewhere.
  7. I've always used undergravel filter plates. Seems to be millions of them around.
  8. Yeah, Tomorrow People is relatively teen angsty, but it's watchable. So...What scifi is left that hasn't been cancelled? Defiance, Falling Skies, Shield, Intelligence...I think that's it. OOH, Helix has been renewed, so that's a grand total of 5 scifi series on TV? Am I missing any?
  9. About 200% stocked. About 400% stocked About 100% stocked. Sounds like you're around 700% You know how big redspots alone get?
  10. Wow, I've never seen it that bad. Gross. Also, vacuum it out and then, from the looks of it, cut your feeding by about 90%. Looks like you are WAAAAY overfeeding.
  11. Sounds about right to me, ammolock doesn't remove ammonia, it just turns it into less toxic ammonium. Ammonia tests read both. Do 2-3 big water changes, 75%+ or so. I suspect you've been putting in ammolock to treat a high concentration of ammolock. You're almost always better off doing a water change than adding more chemicals.
  12. :rotf: I wish. Not even close. I can't find anything exactly like those, nothing nearly as ornate. I'd estimate you'd be looking at about 3-4X the US price here in NZ if you can find something similar. You can get a cheap table and 4 chair set for in the region of $400NZ. Something like this which is aluminum and cheap fake wicker backing is about $935 US. This is powdercoated aluminum: $530 US
  13. Tell him to switch it to mode 1. He'll know what I mean. :slfg:
  14. Yes. They're nowhere near as difficult to fly as a standard helicopter, or even a plane. But most people who haven't flown(Or driven) RC stuff seem to have absolutely no understanding of orientation. The couple times I've let relatives have a try with one of my planes went something like... Ok, pull up a little No up Pull back on the stick BACK Ok, now push left a little A little mo...NO your other left. LEFT LEEEEFGIVEMEIT *Barely save plane from splattering* Ok, let's try again. But some time on a simulator usually gets people started without costing too many models.
  15. That's tied for number 3 on the questions people always ask, after "How high can it go?", "What's it's range?" and "I'ma shoot it, hurr hurr."
  16. Ira


    Or just weigh it down with something for a week or two should do it.
  17. Ira


    Yes. Sandpaper, or a thick coating of apathy. It pretty much is in its natural form, a bit broken up or polished but that's it. It's not as if they pressure treat it with murder and evil. Yes, yes, yes and yes. Waste of time imo. Unless it's a very light color which means it might be limestone all vinegar is going to do is make it wet and smell funny. Hose. I wouldn't worry about boiling or sterilizing it, if anything your fish are going to give the rock a disease rather than the other way around.
  18. Ira

    internal filters

    Huh, I'm a fan of their canisters, I'd have thought their internals would be ok too. I'd probably just put a CF1200 on the tank. Should keep the tank nice and clean, and they're cheap, $150ish if you look hard enough, I think.
  19. So...Uhh... I may have upgraded... Quick little trip up and down No FPV though, just a gopro for now.
  20. Hah, funny this should pop up now, I'm in the middle of doing a water change and filter cleaning and decided to throw more coral in my filter. But mine's not africans. I popped one of the canisters open and thought, "I could have sworn there was a lot more in there." Not much left.
  21. Ira

    Too much Flow ???

    Didn't I just say that? Larger holes->Less restriction->greater flow.
  22. Ira

    Too much Flow ???

    If anything the flow would increase.
  23. Ira

    Too much Flow ???

    So, you should be fine. Maybe you could put a couple extra outlets to distribute the flow a bit.
  24. Ira

    Too much Flow ???

    On what size tank? Mine has, ideally, around 8500 lph(20X turnover), and at one point had 16,000(36X) and none of the fish had any problem. Except for an angel fish, but they're useless anyway.
  25. Why do you assume that it will live in it? Do you live in your car? Do you think it's horribly cruel to put children in a car without a toilet, kitchen, bed, TV etc?
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