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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Prove to who for what and why? And how would DNA testing prove where a parrot was bred unless there's a library full of all the breeding parrots in NZ, which there isn't?
  2. Looking in NZ for parrots(With the exception of the native ones) is like going to a LAN party to pick up hot chicks.
  3. Ah, I see this is your first time on the internet. :lol:
  4. They're idiots if they opened it. Everyone knows that sunlight travels at the speed of light and there's no way you're going to catch it once you let it out of the can.
  5. Ira


    Woah...That makes exactly two other Iras I've heard of in NZ.
  6. Ugh, I hate punga logs. Most horrible things ever, all they do well is grow weeds and breed spiders.
  7. Slips are covered by EQC. So if one takes out your house you're covered by them up to $100K. If your house is more than that...Hope your insurance company will cover the remainder because I doubt there are any houses worth under $100K in the whole country anymore...
  8. Dwarf cichlids would be your best bet. I've found the majority of SA cichlids to be pretty calm tempered and would be fine in a community tank except, like most fish, they'll eat anything that fits in their mouths and they tend to have pretty big mouths.
  9. Hahahaha, Yeah, there's not really supposed to be much calcium in FW.
  10. Wow...I haven't had any luck with snails, and I've TRIED to breed them.
  11. Ira


    Echo system with catfish catfish atfish fish ish ish.....
  12. 16 should be fine. I'd aim for something like 20 the goldfish will still be comfortable and it's warm enough for the hardier tropicals so you can have a good variety.
  13. I'd be surprised if feeding mine cost me even as much as a buck a day. But I only have two tanks. I've been working on a medium sized container of little floaty bits on my tetra tank for probably 3 months so at that point that's costing me something like $.05 per day or less.
  14. Ira

    Dixon's glass

    Where's the bras? I don't see any.
  15. Thank the hose on our water tank that slipped off and dumped all but about 1/4 of our water twice! in the last year, then split. Otherwise we wouldn't have been down past about 2/3rds.
  16. You'd probably want the power head itself at the bottom for simplicity. Obivously want a good one that doesn't need encouragement to restart after being turned off. The easiest way to fill it would be just fill the main tank until it starts to pour into the chamber and then fills it 1/4 of the way or so then turn the pump on and add more water to the desired height. The main tank's water level will always be the same, it will be just the water level in the chamber that changes.
  17. You wouldn't want to use it as a hidden return, you'd get pretty poor airation that way. But give it a try putting the filter intake in it. Just a thought, sounds like it's clear glass? So it wouldn't hide anything in it. Hmmm, Now that I've thought about it a bit more, I think I HAVE seen a couple wet dry filters that might be set up using something like that. If you fill it up with filter media and have a power head pumping the water back out to the main tank it would just splash over all the media. They'd be a pain in the ass to clean though and you'd have to be pretty careful of the amount of water in the tank, as it evaporates it would be the water level in the chamber that would drop until it runs dry.
  18. Wait, after rereading your original post...There is no hole in the bottom pane of glass or the back pane? If it is meant for a sump there should be one(Assuming it was done correctly). Sumps do not, usually, use a siphon, the water simply drains back out. So if it is just a totally sealed little chamber except for the top...Uhh...Yeah, I'm not really sure what it's there for. Could possibly be meant to hide a heater and cannister filter intake.
  19. It's called an overflow, that's where the water drains out of the main tank back into the sump. It's not used as the intake for a cannister filter or similar.
  20. Sorry about that, my fault. We bought water a few months ago...The next day it started raining and hasn't stopped for more than a couple days since.
  21. Stupid weather, it's sunny and calm today.
  22. I can't imagine the fry would be any worse of crossbred freaks than the flowerhorn.
  23. Ira

    Fish ID?

    Hmmm...Don't tempt me...Uhh...Fenris, animalz in petone isn't it?
  24. Ira

    Fish ID?

    I just have a little tank. 4X2X2, 440ish liters.
  25. Ira

    Fish ID?

    You should get one!
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