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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Congrats on the new monkey thing. Make sure you keep its cage nice and clean. :lol:
  2. They do, because sea monkies are brine shrimp. But they start off really tiny. After you turn off the airation and let it sit for a bit, put a light on one side of the container and let it sit for 15 minutes or so. You'll notice there are a few tiny orange eggs floating around and a few tinier paler orange little things vibrating around in the water. Those are baby brine shrimp. They do grow bigger, up to like half an inch or something, but it takes a couple weeks.
  3. Mine dug a pit and both were guarding it. Then they started fighting. I guess they were fighting over which one of the males is supposed to be the girl in their little homosexual relationship and lay the eggs... :lol:
  4. Just collect the snails every week and drop them off to me.
  5. Locusts and a lot of other insects are usually bred in it.
  6. Ira

    Low Ph a problem?

    Carbon dioxide among other things, that being the one that matters in this case. It lowers PH. Whether it's significant I'm skeptical. I think it's probably just a contributing factor in this case exaggerated by your insufficient water changes. Get a handful of bird grit and throw that in your cannister filter. Throw another one in if you need more in a week or two.
  7. They're not kissing, they're trying to rip each others faces off.
  8. Or you could have done a fishless cycle and have it all over and done.
  9. Should have let a cat have it. Several times when one of my cats was still an outdoor cat I'd find him sitting munching on a huhu with nothing but the head and two long antenna sticking out of his mouth.
  10. Ira

    Low Ph a problem?

    Like everyone says, do bigger water changes. Just having fish lowers the PH of the water. Especially big fish like severums...Sounds to me like you have a relatively small tank?
  11. If that earthquake had happened near Auckland it would have been declared a national disaster and for weeks we'd be hearing about things like how it spilled some woman's chardonnay and a man was injured when he fell while climbing out a window carrying a TV.
  12. Will they starve to death without food for a day or two? Otherwise you're making things stupidly complicated by requiring food with them.
  13. But they don't have arms to put it on! Ok, I admit, I had to google it to find out it's a blood pressure cuff
  14. Anything bigger than a neon.
  15. Temperature up to 24° with no signs of life. He's now been buried in the septic tank.
  16. I've already decided to take advantage of this to test the theory that they freeze before they die. My personal belief is that their metabolism simply slows down and stops painlessly long before they freeze. So far the fish is at 12 degrees and appears to be dead. No movement, no gill movement. No evidence of freezing found due to the temperature being 12 degrees above freezing temperature. I have not checked it for a heartbeat because I do not have a tiny stethescope. I'm now warming it back up to normal tank temperature to find out if any evidence of life returns. If none does I believe this would mean that the fish was dead before it froze. If it does then it would mean that the appearance of death was due to the extremely slow metabolism caused by the cold temperatures and that a lower temperature is likely necessary to cause death.
  17. Looks like it anyway. He's not using his right fins, curving his body to the left and only moving his tail from neutral to left. I've put him in the freezer to euthanise him. He was looking like he wouldn't last much longer anyway and just floating at the surface. He didn't even move when I scooped him up in the bowl to put him in the freezer.
  18. They don't look albino. I think the red eyes may just be due to the flash. Not sure though. They just look like more strongly patterned gold severums to me.
  19. 2224 is not near the same specs as a CF1200, to begin with it's half the flow and less filter volume. The 15 watts power saved by the 2224(I'm skeptical of it only using 5 watts, but we'll ignore that) will save you only about $2/month. But will cost you 4 years to make up the price difference on the SALE price
  20. Rubber band some filter wool around the intake, otherwise any filter will suck up fry.
  21. I'd imagine it would be more profitable to sell them here as they cost several times as much.
  22. Hundreds of options. But I'd personally probably go with an Aquaone CF1200.
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