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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    Base for rock work

    Herpes like virus, causes mono.
  2. Ira

    Base for rock work

    Not really quite so different as far as the average person goes. Polystyrene is one of the more common plastics, those white bread boards are probably polystyrene. In fact, most plastic things you have around are probably polystyrene. It can also be turned into a foam called expanded polystyrene(EPS) or styrofoam, just the same as polyethelyne can(EPE).
  3. Extra wood is cheap insurance. Question is how it will hold up when there's a 6.9 earthquake. An extra $20 worth of 2X4s wouldn't be a bad thing.
  4. By my calculations elbows flow 10X better than a kink.
  5. Throw some bird grit in the filter?
  6. Excuse me ma'am, would you please come with us? Another passenger claims he heard your bag saying, "Tick tick tick tick tick *BOOM*"
  7. Get some of the cheap black irrigation fittings to put any bends you need in. The cheaper hose won't kink unless you're trying to twist it at too much of an angle. Though, I haven't found the stuff I've used to kink unless I'm being ridiculous with it.
  8. I wouldn't do anything until they start to get over 90, just opening the lid and blowing on the surface with a fan should get you an easy 10°F drop in temp.
  9. Along with a 300 horsepower engine and probably a million liter per hour water pump, valving to handle all that pressure and flow...
  10. Edit -Billaney , No need to be smart I agree though, probably your best bet if somewhere like Mitre 10 doesn't have some vinyl letters or whatever that will work.
  11. You can ship the duckweed to me if you like.
  12. Does it stay at a constant 18ish degrees? If it doesn't, No you cannot just keep it without a heat like goldfish which can handle all the way up to tropical temps.
  13. Ira

    for shipping fish

    Even the most athletic person on the planet only removes somewhere around 1/5th-1/7th of the oxygen out of every breath. So, at best your breath is about 3% carbon dioxide, 18% oxygen and 78% nitrogen.
  14. If you can't afford a $7.95 magnetic scrubber you should probably go to work instead of having a tank.
  15. The goldfish will probably work fine as feeder fish.
  16. Then don't do that. You can just as easily pick up some sand in the suction cup.
  17. You know...Someone invented magnets that you can use to clean the glass without even getting wet...
  18. I think an average quarantine facility costs $20,000-30,000 and a year or two to get through all the paperwork. So good luck.
  19. You mean, it's like a headshot not using V.A.T.S.?
  20. Average youtube comments, 5% intelligent comments, 35% Clueless idiots, 35% whose world does not work like ours, 10% spam, 15% arguing about Iraq.
  21. "Cicada". A circadia would probably be a big with your internal clock. Like mine...
  22. Heh, I always think it's amazing how few are in them. I usually defrost half a dozen at a time in a cup of water to get enough to give my fish a reasonable meal.
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