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Everything posted by Ira

  1. What refresh rate does it use at the higher resolutions?
  2. Because that's normal mains water pressure.
  3. $1000 later and now I have a new pump. 4800 lph, 145 feet head, in case anyone is interested. Will have to install it tomorrow morning when I get home from work.
  4. Feed them everything except the kitchen sink.
  5. Hard to say, goldfish coloring does change with age too. But it sounds possible it's due to stress. When you say, "Disappearing to their base coloring" what do you mean? If it's stress most likely they'd just turn paler.
  6. Actually, I've been outside for the past 40 minutes doing a replumbing job so I can get a little water siphoning slowly into the house. I think what I'll be doing is having a very shallow bath. Which, I better go do now.
  7. You suck. Seriously. The water pump that supplies my house with water has died, totally siezed up. I have a job interview in a couple hours. I need a shower badly. And a replacement pump is going to be $1000 and probably won't be able to get it until monday, unless I take it in on the way to the interview.
  8. Heh, the nymphs just look like shortened wingless dragonflies.
  9. All we have around here are small and noisy cicadas, no big and brown ones... BTW, the cicadas you see there are no older ones. There are just the nymphs in the ground, the winged adult ones and then dead ones.
  10. Ira

    Lighting FAQ

    What part of it? And how much humidity would they get? The tubes themselves don't really care. Maybe if they're closed in with no airflow so they get really hot and then get a large splash on them they might break, but otherwise glass does not care about its proximity to water.
  11. Which is why it's common knowledge to NEVER use the guage on the side of the heater to set its temperature.
  12. I've heard of several people that have been told that ponds DO have to be fenced if over 400mm.
  13. That's why god invented torrents.
  14. Ira

    Lighting FAQ

    Only matters if you're trying to grow plants. The light intensity drops off and the color spectrum changes a bit when the tubes get old. If you only have fish in your tank then it doesn't matter, fish don't particularly care if their light is a bit dim and not ideal for photosynthesis. So you might as well leave the tubes in until they won't start, imo.
  15. I'm sure everyone's accidentally caught fish they didn't want before. I've had tetras sucked up the hose while doing water changes before and only found them a while later flipping around in the puddle outside. I've had a pearl gourami and brazillian puffer do the same, but they obviously don't fit through the hose...
  16. Port Nicholson Glass in Wellington also makes steel framed stands with nice wood surrounds. And he has good prices. IIRC someone locally had a 3mX1mX1m tank made, plus stand for $2K.
  17. I siphon out the door(Sometimes add some extra hose to it to water the garden, fill up buckets, etc) and then connect another hose to a sink and refill. Then I keep an eye on the thermometer, if it's too hot I turn the cold water up, if it's too cold I turn the cold water down. Easy.
  18. Why would I say you're mad? Other than the cories they're all medium-large usually less aggressive fish. I'd be inclined to say they're likely to all go together fine.
  19. It's not their fault. Keep your hand out from under their butt and they won't poop on it. :lol:
  20. Peregrine. And they say killing for fun, like all forms of play, is a sign of intelligence.
  21. Fish compatibility isn't that complicated. Don't put big fish with little fish, don't put aggressive fish with timid fish. Researching each fish you want will tell you which it is.
  22. Depends whether or not your intent is for the tadpoles to be food for the goldfish. If not then they likely won't go very well without lots of cover.
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