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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira

    DE Vs SE MH Ballasts

    Bhut Jolokia, actually.
  2. Does anyone happen to know, are ballasts for double ended and single ended metal halides the same? I have a ballast that was running a double ended MH, but the reflector and everythign was all rusted out and useless. I'm considering setting up a small DIY hydroponic setup and need more light but SE reflectors are a lot cheaper and easier to find for it than DE.
  3. It might slightly break it down, but only enough to get the last traces off after you've removed most of it with a razor. Silicone is pretty inert...I think any chemical enough to totally dissolve it will also dissolve the glass, the table it's sitting on and your hands.
  4. There's a chemical called elbow grease that when applied with a knife or razor blade is very effective...
  5. The overflow is the part where the water overflows into(Counterintuitive, isn't it? :lol: ) to go into the sump.
  6. Yup, 180. A few liters less because you probably measured the outside of the glass dimensions minus a few liters because you wouldn't fill it up to the brim. Do you have the sump in the tank?(If so it's not a sump :lol: ) or are you referring to an overflow?
  7. How long is a standard string? Twice the length from the middle to either end.
  8. And then there are other forums where asking for someone's age/sex/location will get you banned.
  9. Hmmm...I thought you were a guy, whetu.
  10. Sex: Pleas...I mean male. Age:30 Fishkeeping is definitely a pretty equal genderwise hobby. Especially compared to my other hobby, fishkeeping has huge amounts of females, everyone is much younger and is MUCH more sociable. RC plane hobby...Average age is mid 50s and the only girl I've ever seen at one was someone's wife sitting in the car rolling her eyes and probably wishing he would hurry up and finish playing with his toys...
  11. How big of holes are you looking for?
  12. If you mean native freshwater shrimp? Nowhere, you have to go collect your own unless someone else happens to collect some and is willing to sell them to you. If you mean non-native shrimp like tropical shrimp? Nowhere, they are not a legal import and most likely never will be.
  13. Welcome to the internet.
  14. Ducks don't tend to dig around in the mud while eating on dry land. And steel is harmless if eaten. So is bismuth which is one of the other alternative replacements to lead shot.
  15. That's because they're used for hunting ducks. The ducks that are being hunted are usually flying over duck feeding grounds. The lead shot lands in the feeding grounds and ends up getting eaten by ducks. Eating large amounts of lead is a whole different matter than trace amounts dissolving in water.
  16. They generally cycle at 50 hz(Matching the mains frequency) which gives it 4,320,000 cycles a day or 1,576,800,000 per year. So, your pump has been working hard all year and done nearly 1.6 billion cycles and you can't be bothered spending 15 minutes to give it a little diaphragm change? How fair is that? No wonder they get noisy and annoyed at being underappreciated! :lol:
  17. That's more a trait of diaphragm pumps than of poor quality ones. All will get louder and louder over time as the diaphragm and valves wear. Get a rebuild kit, should make it nice and quiet again.
  18. Cool, I like triangle tanks. Let's see...You have a tank full of tetras that scatter their eggs all over, Clown loaches that have never (Afaik) been bred in an aquarium and angels who lay their eggs on surfaces and happen to be the ones guarding these unidentified eggs...I know who I'd be betting they belong to. :lol:
  19. What color is the medication and what color does the test kit turn when there's ammonia? It's possible it's either killing off some of the biofilter or interfering with the test, I wouldn't worry much though.
  20. I've found most seem to still work fine even with a broken shaft, just enough on each end to keep it in place and it runs fine.
  21. Nope, none in NZ afaik and likely never will be.
  22. Mmmm, Beetles, live food, nom nom nom.
  23. I don't do that with mine, connect everything, open up the valves, wait for it to stop filling the cannister and then plug it in. No problems at all.
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