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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I'd suspect that requirement to "Provide for your children" only applies to dependents.
  2. Ahh, wills...Always great for bringing out the greedy bastard in everyone.
  3. Ira

    Long Term Lead

    If putting rock on the plant or tying a rock to it doesn't work then might I suggest putting a rock on or tying a rock to the fish instead?
  4. Ira


    Just use pebbles and rubber bands, cable ties or string.
  5. Ira


    Hahaha, The irony of this, "Lead in the tank is bad!" thread along with the other "Lead weights are ok!" thread.
  6. Ira

    Long Term Lead

    Pet shop. Some seem to have a plastic coating on them.
  7. They give good bio filtration, but not for a huge volume because of the lack of flow.
  8. What's so tiring about them? They work pretty well, lots of surface area, you can't put much flow through them though so they don't really work that great for anything but a small or low load tank. The major advantage for breeders is they don't suck up fry. So running a sponge filter+an internal would defeat the purpose of them. Putting a sponge on the intake of an internal filter would work or running them with a powerhead. But then they clog up very quickly, not a problem if you clean them daily.
  9. Ira

    Guess who

    Still don't know it. Pretty sure we don't get them here.
  10. Ira

    Guess who

    He looks like an Oliver.
  11. Ira


    Cockabullies look nothing like guppies other than both being fish.
  12. I have no idea what is going on there.
  13. Ira

    Keeping trout?!

    If the fish in our tanks and ponds escape into the wild, yes, I think they should be killed. Along with dogs, cats, rats, pigs, deer, sheep, cows...
  14. They work well with severums. Mine bullied the severums. I could swear I saw a confused look on the severum's face when this 1" fish would try chasing away an 8" fish that probably outweighs him by about 800 times.
  15. None of my severums have ever been nasty.
  16. Probably be a bit cramped for 1 discus or 1 severum even.
  17. Severums are only destructive if you're a plant. Also, BTW, this definitely do NOT belong in the coldwater forum.
  18. Severums definitely. Much MUCH hardier fish. Discus are like the poodle being carried around in a handbag of the cichlid world. Probably yes, possibly no. If they're full grown they're less likely to be eaten, but in general if it fits in another fish's mouth then it's food.
  19. Ok, so you don't actually need an aquarium heater then, from the sound of it. But all stainless steel heaters have seperate thermostats(I think) and they're mostly around $50.
  20. There are a handful of heaters with remote thermostats. You could cut that thermostat off and connect it to your own. Otherwise you'd need to turn the heater's thermostat up higher than the setpoint you want the water at, but few will go as high as 36.
  21. If you use a 2X4 you have to turn it on its edge, a 4X2 you don't....
  22. Ira

    Keeping trout?!

    So you're really good at fishing, it's just the catching part you're not so good at?
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