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Everything posted by Ira

  1. And your tank is already too small for what's in it now...
  2. You are wrong. It doesn't have to go into the filter to be filtered, there's a reason filter wool is called filter wool, because it filters.
  3. No way, man. That's totally real!
  4. If they're that stupid let them do it.
  5. I think I've seen mention of inanga being bred for export, but I can't find it again. Pretty boring fish though compared to some bullies. Oops, didn't realise I was dredging up an old thread...
  6. Ira

    what do you think?

    Agressive fish get old really quick.
  7. Then it eats him, everybody wins. What's the problem?
  8. You don't really even need to that unless you want to. The fish don't care if you spend $40 on marine tube from the LFS or $5 on a daylight tube from Mitre10.
  9. Then you have no need for upgraded lighting.
  10. You'll only need to upgrade your lighting if you're wanting a reef. But you'll need probably something like 10 of those to get enough light for a reef.
  11. There are people that get motionsick reading a book. That's an issue of people being broken, not the technology. Blink.
  12. Much easier to carry the cannister to the sink than it is to carry a sump to the sink.
  13. Ira

    what do you think?

    Wait, you currently have 14 silver dollars? How big of a tank do you have?
  14. Ira

    what do you think?

    You're looking at probably something 1000L or so, I doubt you'll be getting that for $1150.
  15. How low is really really low? And you probably don't want to raise the PH too quickly. Easiest way is just siphon out a bucket of water, put a bit of baking soda in the water, stir, pour back into the tank. And how high of a PH are you wanting?
  16. Yes, body snatchers! And the puppeteers.
  17. Surrogates, released September 2009 The matrix, March 1999 video games, 1961 UAVs, first somewhere around 1916 Demonic posession, sometime BC. Those are the first handful that come to mind, the concept of remote control is far from a new idea. I don't really care if it's it's a story that has been done before, it's a story that's well told and looks great. If I was wanting a huge in depth plot I have TV series or books.
  18. Let me get my calculator...Ah, yes, this is the 934,292,902nd thread on this topic in the last 6 months...
  19. Pretty common and a good idea. I talked to a pet shop owner once that started an age restriction after a handful of kids came in and bought a handful of goldfish. He went outside a little bit later to find the kids happily smacking the goldfish on the sidewalk.
  20. Not likely to be figure 8s, they're usually called Figure 8s. Possibly green spotted or one of the other similar puffers. Both figure 8s and GSP are dwarf puffers.
  21. Why would I need to hold yours to prove that their weak little beaks only take off chunks of skin instead of fingers like bigger parrots? I have one of each. The rosella actually barely even breaks the skin, the grey has actually eaten human flesh.
  22. Wow, who would have thought that a fish known for trying to rip the face off its tankmates would be aggressive? :lol:
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