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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Not an eel, but black khuli loaches look like it And they're tiny.
  2. Most of those heating pads burn oxygen. You package them up too tightly there's no air for them to burn. They go cold. Did you happen to feel it a few minutes after opening the package? Also the opposite is true, too much airflow they burn out a lot quicker.
  3. Nice. For the Mark II I'd suggest using black perspex for most of it(Maybe leave one side clear for visibility) You can also get perspex laser cut.
  4. So, it was "Not well thought out." Because it was for Rotties? Guess they better not allow anyone to bring dogs into their stores, someone might bring a rotty in...
  5. It waits for you to look away to turn off.
  6. And I think Jager rates their heaters "up to xxx liters" based on a nice warm room which does not describe many houses over winter.
  7. Why don't you look it up? I've given you the name of the only passenger train that runs between Auckland and Wellington.
  8. Cheap train, there are lots of options. There's The overlander, the Overlander or The Overlander. $49 each way.
  9. I've never been to a HFF. Like to, but first I'd have to go to Auckland and that's not a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
  10. Yeah, not many of the fish we keep have teeth. Closest I've seen is severums, they do seem to have a row of little studs in their mouth.
  11. Assuming a 25% efficient system the electricity required to lift a car that weighs 1500 kg 30 meters would be about 480 watt hours. Or about 10-15 cents. I'd be surprised if it's that low given that electric motors usually are 90% efficient. I think average parking rates of $5-10/hour would easily cover that.
  12. I see a reddish dot. On futher examination I'm assuming you copied the picture to add the arrow and then saved it? It would appear that our planet is so inconsequential to have been eliminated from existence by a compression artifact. Here's the original
  13. Heh, I have Eastbourne beach SAND in one of my tanks. Works pretty well.
  14. I think all of them do that. My jagers have done it too. It goes away after awhile....
  15. Some nice rocks, but other than that it looks a bit like you just put the rocks in then dumped in a bucket of sand.
  16. If you want a tank that isn't cold water then a heater is a requirement.
  17. Maybe if you can drag your sump out from under the tank, and you can carry it to the kitchen sink, and it's totally covered so you don't get any splashes escaping, and overflow is quiet...
  18. Depends if you need 240 watts or not. But yeah, that would be a LOT of power.
  19. Ira


    Leopardfish are legal. Yes, Gambusia are illegal for sure. That's like asking, "Are you sure theft is illegal?"
  20. So all cannister filters are at fault because you apparently have some that aren't working properly? Maybe you'd be better off actually fixing the problem?
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