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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    Like I said earlier, free carbon. That's basically how most aquarium carbon is made, except they usually use something like burned coconut husks...
  2. Ira


    I'm a bit unclear what is supposed to be so dangerous about this burned driftwood that isn't true of any other driftwood...
  3. Ira


    Free activated carbon! Just scrape it off, and give it a rinse. It will be fine.
  4. Between the eyes? I think they're nostrils...
  5. That's what I figured because p.m. is post meridian. Parts per million is ppm.
  6. Which are borosilicate glass, frequently pyrex branded.
  7. The jagers are bigger, so for the same wattage it will be spread out over a larger area resulting in a lower surface temperature. Lower temperature=less stress when it's dunked into cold water. I doubt jager or the cheaper heaters use different glass, probably made of a borosilicate glass like the early Pyrex dishes.
  8. Ira

    Brown algae

    Diatoms. They actually grow best in water with a high silica content, but that's probably not relevant. It's common in just about all tanks.
  9. You need more light. More light fixes everything.
  10. Post pics of them... No, I don't have a particular reason.
  11. Ira


    I think the term you're looking for is failsafe vs faildangerous.
  12. Ira


    Sooo...Basically it's a thermostat?
  13. Most of the stainless steel heaters are lower quality. So, the housing might not break, but it is more likely to boil your fish.
  14. Ira


    Is that $70nz with the heater? They're also available without the heater, I think. Temp controllers are pretty good though. You can use the cheapest, dirtiest heater with them relatively safely because you have two thermostats in the system.
  15. Are they being eaten or uprooted? Cories are pretty good at disturbing plants that aren't securely rooted.
  16. Well, it would burn less electricity yeah...Well, or about the same, depends if it's magnetic or electronic ballast. And tend to penetrate a bit better so if you have a deep tank it would be better. I think bulb replacement would be cheaper also than replacing 4 t5 tubes. The only place it wouldn't be better would be if you spread the 4 tubes out over a larger area they'll cover a large area with dimmer light vs the mh which would be concentrated on a relatively small area(Depending on reflectors, etc)
  17. The heat the bulbs themselves put out is consistent with the total output. I don't think it's actually that different than you get with fluoros, it's just that it's emitted by a 1"ish wide area for a 250w rather than some 250 inches for similar output fluoro. And you tend to have 1 big ballast rather than 5-6 small ones.
  18. What are the symptoms of this disease? I've never heard of it either.
  19. Rummy noses don't need a completely blacked out tank. You could have had a whole spawn of them.
  20. My plan for this summer with my little pond is just to use a big bucket with a bunch of holes poked in it filled with some filter wool.
  21. Did you bleach the interior of your tank? Bleach the heater, plumbing, filter, decorations? Otherwise you're not going to get them all.
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