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Everything posted by Ira

  1. I think you've misidentified that last one, it appears to be a Fan Butt seahorse.
  2. Come closer puny human so that I may devour your soul.
  3. Hah, guess it actually did post when it said, "At least one other post has been made blah blah blah..."
  4. It's a breading paid, if you're lucky and not gluten intolerant they'll pay you lots of bread.
  5. Ira


    Same as any other large cichlid.
  6. Because tourists pay taxes and bring in significantly more money than they cost?
  7. Sounds like snail eggs. Apparently not. They lay them scattered around on leaves and surfaces, but not in sacks. Rare in aquariums, apparently lay eggs under the substrate Laid scattered on surfaces randomly Apparently lay their eggs scattered on leaves. So...If your description of them is accurate, the only likely source is snails. Also, get a camera.
  8. Ira

    Corys in Taupo

    I've gotta agree, with the only evidence being the memories of an 8 year old kid...By far the most likely is that it was bullhead catfish or some kind of native bullies rather than a tropical fish surviving and breeding in large numbers well outside its normal comfort range.
  9. Which could be done easily enough by "weekend" don't really need an app for that.
  10. That's a Genus, not a family. Family? Gotta be cichlidae, though Loricariidae is very close. Genus either Heros or Geophagus.
  11. Move it in front of a nice bright window that the sun shines in. Then you get free and very powerful lighting. Should do it.
  12. Ira


    Venezuelan Guppy is an uncommon name for Endlers, which ideally prefer a degree or two warmer than common guppies.
  13. Ira


    Gambusia. Otherwise it's a tropical guppy sold by unethical fish shops to noobs who should know better.
  14. I'd just use it as an excuse to give the filter a quick clean afterwards. I've had a tank wiped out by, presumably, the water in the filter going bad after a couple hour power outage. So I usually switch off the filter after the power has been out an hour, then give it a quick clean afterwards. Mostly just to make sure it doesn't dump any crap back into the tank when the power comes back on. But, I've also gone 18+ hours without doing anything with no issues.
  15. My preference lately has been moving towards fake plants. No leaves and crap clogging powerheads and filter intakes, no limitation on species because they eat plants, no trimming, no worries about plants being dug up, no worries about plants being yanked out by big dumb plecs who don't watch where they're going...
  16. That looks about like what I remember paying when I had my tank...
  17. Haha, Who told you that?
  18. They make excellent heaters though, from what I've seen when set up properly, higher than 100% efficiency. But more complicated than a normal submersible.
  19. New Zealand based, but happy for people from other countries to join in. I'd say a CF1200 is perfect for a 150L tank.
  20. Permanently? No. You could get a CO2 tank and a PH controller to control the PH, that will keep it stable and at the right PH, but is expensive. Otherwise filling up your filters with peat will do it, but that's not permanent, you'll have to replace the peat occasionally and it will turn your water brown.
  21. That's close enough, stable is better, you'll likely just end up doing more damage causing fluctuating PH.
  22. "Misplacing" photos of the parents and "YEAH NAR" about photos of the fry.... "YEAH NAR" I'm not too sure the fish are what they claim either.
  23. Nope...Well, stopped stirring up bloodworms with my fingers and then rubbing my eyes. Nope, skin is fine. All of them are safe, long ones are best not much point in wearing short ones unless you have a tiny tank.
  24. That's why a sump should have a separate chamber water overflows into for the return pump. That means the only area that has a changing water level is the return pump section.
  25. Hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like the plastic bit you're talking about is just a strainer. Not a filter in anything more than the coarsest mechanical filtration sense.
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