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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Ira


    Some of those pictures look photoshopped. Upper right goldfish in the first pic for example.
  2. I haven't gone further up Johnson's road than the Short Straw in 5-6 years.
  3. Or these for $1.50 rather than the fluval ones for $12 each, they're a little smaller but from the looks of it might fit. Still expensive long term.
  4. Probably would stay put ok. The problem is it would look ridiculously ugly.
  5. That's probably the whole point. I used crushed oyster shells in my tanks, have for years, no algae at all in any of them.(Well, in it now that I'm down to 1) I use coral now, but only because that's what I had convenient.
  6. You need a pressure relief valve then
  7. So basically...It's a cat.
  8. I'd rather have flies and mosquitoes. Can we genetically engineer some flies and mosquitoes that eat spiders?
  9. Clearly whales are causing the earthquakes.
  10. Extremely unlikely to be anything other than a coincidence.
  11. Really? I didn't really even feel it. Heard it, but that's it.
  12. Just had a little jolt here in Wellington about 22:10. Wifey and I both thought, "Wonder if it was Christchurch again?"
  13. Ira

    sodastream Co2

    Not such a joke, I've heard a lot of oldies say they used to do that back in the days of walking through the snow uphill both ways and heating the tank with candles underneath it...
  14. Ah, they're up Johnson's road. I'd wondered where they were.
  15. Now you're just throwing in random requirements that weren't in the original request.
  16. It's too bad noone suggested something something like mystus or GBA. Too bad noone will suggest anything like synos or hoplos either. BTW, first hit on google image search for striped mystus? My pic.
  17. I'd say a 6 striped mystus and 6 pictus and 3-4 GBA.
  18. I had a pink fairy basslet named Floyd, 2 clownfish named Penny and Wise, 2 puffers named H&R Pufnstuff, a lawnmower blenny named Fugly.
  19. River or landscaping supplier would be my suggestion. Yellowpages.co.nz lists 138 landscape suppliers in Auckland.
  20. I'm waiting for dinner now. Venison roast and veggies.
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