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Everything posted by Ira

  1. May be the case if they froze before dying. But in the tests I've done they die LONG before that.
  2. Yeah, I always forget to mention not using tapwater because I've never used anything but tap water. My tapwater is rainwater. Fortunately the bacteria breeds faster than guppies.
  3. He's a crack monkey. 26° pretty much covers everything tropical and a lot of coldwater fish will even be ok in it.
  4. I've had 12+ hours without issues too. But then a few times deaths after much shorter periods. In none of the instances did the tank get more than a little cool and no evidence of being low on oxygen. Might be some other factor I'm missing, don't know. So I've decided it's worth 5 minutes turning off and water changing the filters to be sure. Since then, never a death after a power outage.
  5. Because after a while the bacteria inside the filter use up all the oxygen, it goes anaerobic and they start to die off polluting the water in the filter. So either drain a bucket or two of water out through the filter to get rid of the nasty water or give it a quick rinse. I find it easiest to carry the filter to the sink, dump the water and quickly rinse everything then put it back. More time consuming trying to unhook filter hoses from the tank end to siphon water out. I've had a tank full of tetras, about 40-50 wiped out after a 3-4 hour power outages where I didn't do this. So now if the power's not back on in an hour I unplug the cannisters on all my tanks.
  6. I just put them in the freezer. They just slow down and then stop...Then don't start again. Doesn't work with goldfish, they might survive until they start freezing.
  7. Disconnect the filters when the power goes out, go out to dinner and a movie, come back after 6 hours, give the filters a rinse once the power is back on and plug them back in. That's all you should need. They'll be fine for just 6 hours.
  8. That's because he does have special tools. He has one known as a "Clue" Very difficult and time consuming tool to locate, if anyone knows where I can buy one for cheap please let me know...
  9. I've heard people who need to be removed from the gene pool before they breed described as "Culls" too.
  10. Ira

    inline heaters

    What was that loud bang and puff of smoke from behind my fish tank?
  11. He's started eating pellets. Threw most of the sunflower seeds out of his cage onto the floor and ate the pellets instead. Much less stubborn than expected. And after 2-3 days of not sneezing blood(That we noticed), he's just done it again.
  12. Ira

    inline heaters

    Then you have a couple hundred ml inside the heater that's at the set temp and the tank gets cold. Tank cooling isn't really a super urgent problem, so I don't think it matters much.
  13. My two males didn't fight until after they tried breeding. Infertility puts a huge strain on any relationship...
  14. Ira

    inline heaters

    I saw inline ones in shops a few times years ago. Haven't noticed any recently.
  15. Bigger tank, more places to hide, that's about all you can really do.
  16. Ira

    Size tank for sump

    As big as you can practically fit under the tank.
  17. If you want to go by watts per gallon you have about 1.2 watts per gallon. That's low light at best.
  18. The table salt in the big white containers uses an extremely dangerous anticaking agent, anti caking agent 551. It's used in manufacturing and the construction of buildings. It's used in manufacturing TVs, solar panels, cars and is used in systems for heating greenhouses. In sufficient quantities under the right conditions it can cause serious bleeding and scarring even death. (BTW, It's silicon dioxide, AKA silica/silica sand. Primary ingredient in glass. It's completely harmless)
  19. Dirt clods are not rocks.
  20. Put it back in the water, why would you think plumbing it externally where it doesn't have 100 lbs of water damping the noise would be quieter?
  21. Waste of electricity. Just give them a scrub and rinse to get any debris off.
  22. Not really. Plecostomus is a specific species, cat is used to cover an entire family(Felidae) of which Felis catus, the housecat, and panthera Leo, lions are part of. It's a bit more like calling cats, dogs, possums, foxes, racooons and any other fluffy 4 legged animals Canis Lupus. Canis Lupus being the grey wolf.
  23. http://www.trademe.co.nz :lol: I don't know, I just did a search for discus and grabbed the first similar pattern one I saw.
  24. Bristlenose are ancistrus not plecos. Use bigger caves, rock piles, wood piles, plants, PVC pipes, anything that gives them a place to hide should work.
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