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Everything posted by Ira

  1. Which part is negative towards women? The part where I'd rather not be shot at or the part where being a ferry pilot is a risky job?
  2. Yeah I did mean something by it, to use the name of one of their roles. A ferry flight is any flight to move a plane to where it's needed. A person that flies ferry flights to the front line would be called what? Is it trivializing someone who flies cargo planes to call them a cargo pilot? How about calling someone who flies airlines an airline pilot? Someone who flies bombers a bomber pilot? Google "Ferry pilots ww2" almost every single result is about women. Don't get pissy at me for how women were treated 40 years before I was born.
  3. Yes, me saying it's a risky and difficult job totally trivializes it. In the future I will never discuss the ways in which a job that's done by women can be life threatening again.
  4. Yeah, Ferry pilots. Sounds like a pretty good job to me, I'd rather do that than get shot at. Though, spending 12 hours at a time over the middle of the ocean in a single engined, rushbuilt plane on its first flight...Takes balls.
  5. This is why quarantine tanks are a waste of time. They never last.
  6. No. Shock from changing from hard to soft can. Very unlikely. There no real cost effective way of softening water on that large of a scale especially given that it's totally unnecessary. No.
  7. Seems to be more alert and active after having a stroke that's weakened his left side. He has difficulty climbing around the cage and is spending most of his time laying on the bottom. But he seems alert just has difficulty moving around. Looks like he won't be put down on wednesday since he seems a little more active.
  8. Should be fine as long as they're new and 230v, of course.
  9. That's my little redspot. Also, that's a different cabletie in this picture, I have no idea where the one on the fish came from.
  10. I was selling mine for a buck each just to get rid of them. I hate fish breeding! Little tiny tank was swarming with them, I lost count somewhere between 200 and 300 and that was months before I got rid of the last of them. :evil:
  11. Ahh, it's a mystery, we may never know....
  12. Nope, this fish is one of the bucketfish's granddaughters.
  13. Most aren't surge protected. Don't confuse circuit breakers with surge protectors.
  14. Far more than fast enough. Bandwidth isn't at all a limiting factor, it's traffic. I mean as it is I could already burn up my traffic limit in not much over half a day. What good is being able to burn it up in even less?
  15. Also keep in mind airpumps frequently start out nice and quiet then get louder as they age, their diaphragms get stiffer, valves get more worn... It's not really poor design, it's natural wear.
  16. Anything but the cheapest dirtiest ones should be fine. I like the big 6 plug switched ones. Surge protected boards are a waste of money, the surge protection in them doesn't last and very few people have any equipment in their tank that would be bothered by a surge.
  17. Ira

    Tank Bracing

    And the ends area already braced by...Well...The ends of the tank.
  18. If you're lucky they might just require it to be steam cleaned and then fumigated with pesticides. Along with all the paperwork to certify it's been done. The regulations on importing natural plant materials are pretty strict given the huge risk of pest and disease contamination. Also shipping, if it's anything but a couple small pieces, would easily be hundreds and hundreds of dollars. It's really too bad you can't find driftwood just laying around on the ground around rivers and beaches instead of shipping it halfway around the world.
  19. Most have pretty poor flow at the 3-4 of static head they'll be seeing in a sump. They don't see any head when installed normally.
  20. If you get a female they will definitely breed, fight or ignore each other. If you get a male they will definitely fight or ignore each other. No guarantees, but they rarely fight any more than the occasional little argument...
  21. We don't want to listen to your theories on anything, let alone everything. :evil:
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