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Everything posted by mitzy

  1. How big is your communtiy tank ? what other fish are in there? I had my pair of gold in a tank approx 25 - 30 litres , once they laid the eggs i removed the parents put an air stone near the eggs, and the meth blue in and covered the tank. Ideally you need a spare tank thats bigger for grow out. I moved mine when they were about 4 or 5 weeks with the water from the breeding tank to a 60 litre tank with there water and about 20 litres of cycled water that was already in the tank and slowly raised the level with each daily water change. when mine were free swimming i fed them microworms , egg yolk . I also put in other food that they may or may not have been able to eggs like shelled peas etc , Its important not to put too much in as can turn the water pretty quick and daily water changes is important too. Hope that helps
  2. That pretty amazing. I dont know if i will ever have a tank big enough for one of them :roll: , maybe when the kids grow up and leave home
  3. You should of gave the new female time to settled in, then you should feed them on live food , blood worms etc for a couple of weeks then try again. You can not force the fish to breed u can just do the right things by the fish and then u may get lucky .
  4. I thought it was bad when my sons bike was stolen off our deck in daylight and when we home too but to take a pony :evil: . It seems to be happening more and more :evil: Im glad you got the pony back
  5. So that the fish in the tank cannot suck the babies through the net
  6. Your could remove the other fish if you have another tank and lets the severums have a go at it or you could remove the eggs and do it your self. If my severums went down i would leave them to do it to see if they can look after them. By the way Congratulations :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
  7. mitzy


    Every one has different opinans on them but I found them to be great with the bba but they have to be young. Only problem is getting rid of them after they done there job or have got big and start chasing your fish :evil: I like golden myself but sure if the others do a better job or not.
  8. Congrats Might be best to remove her if u can with out distubing the eggs etc My blue male chases the female after shes done her deed
  9. Mine have stuck pits too but nothing came of it Kindof releived not ready to breed them :roll: .
  10. Before they did the lip locking they had been cleaning rocks but they do that alot so thought nothing of it. I as was in a panic so was trying alsorts to get them to stop like puting the net in trying to shoo them down different ends of the tank really did look like they were trying to rip each others lips off , they were dragging each other over rocks etc. No eggs but very sore red lips but healed real quick.
  11. Mine did that a while ago , i was in a real panic even put a post up on here as to what do i do lol , they did that for agers dragging each other all over the place real sore lips afterwards.
  12. I have about 6 kuhli loaches in my 85 litre. they will be fine in that but like to be in groups and you see them more if you have them in groups. Peaceful as. fine with plants. Mine swim up and down my tank most times they do that at nite.
  13. Kids aye, I had one of those days on thursday just one thing after another, then to top it of 1 and 3 year old had pull the pipe from the jebo extenal filter out of my 160 litre tank so about 60 litres of water on the floor had to empty whole tank and move it as water had got under the cabinet too then to top it off 3 year old flooded the bathroom while i was cleaning that mess up, lounge floor still drying :roll: then from there just one thing after another kept happening
  14. I put a box full of heavy books and stuff on one and a couple of weeks later it was still alive. they bang round hitting the walls real horrible things
  15. I was doing water changes while watching it and yeah what a drag for a friday nite, and the way they dragged it out was painful.
  16. I would do a water change after the third day and treat again.
  17. My is fat too lol :lol: I dont think I over feed :roll:
  18. I got one just like that . so bueatiful
  19. [quote="BallisticI know that, but again, some people shouldnt own so many fish if they cant afford to feed them, am I not right? I do agree that some things can be fed to fish that are cheaper, like the Liver, Veges etc we suppliment ours with. Nothing wrong with saving money, as long as you understand that if you cant care for all of them, maybe you shouldnt own so many too. JMO Lucid
  20. With prices going up even humans are having to budget some more than than they used too. You can make fish food go a long way if you feed out other stuff that may be cheap but also good for the fish that way your fish food will last longer and with out it costing as much
  21. white worms, Daphnia, even frozen blood worms will do it , just some really good food. Im not sure about a flat outside rock in case of fertulizers etc but others might be able to answer that, i think a broken terracotto pot would be ok the flat bit on it. or even a terracotta pot but u would have to make sure its big enough for them but best to give them a rock too. I have not bred these myself but bred gold rams so guessing it should be the same, my female gets quite fat full of eggs and goes quite pinkist in the tummy. when ready she will dance with the male then goes in pot and starts laying the eggs he goes in does his dash then she carrys on etc. also the females breeding tube will stick out more than normal and the males thingy will be more prononced well i read it is but i have not taken that much notice. Hope that helps . I think 60 litres should be fine
  22. Have you got a male and female. Feed them up on lots of live food. Put a flat rock in the tank. sometimes water changes trigger them.
  23. I give my fish , Peas , live food, Shrimps , other veggies , yet to try chicken, other than that they have the normal flake , bottom pills etc .
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